Under-stimulated -> depressed -> exhausted -> can’t move -> under-stimulated

Under-stimulated -> anxious -> isolate yourself -> under-stimulated

I must’ve been a real badass in a past life to piss off so badly whichever God created me.

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    Yeah, I call this a “dope-crash”.

    I can tell it’s happening, I’m low on brain-reward BECAUSE I’m not working on things that are meaningful or solving interesting problems or whatever… And like timidly taking on a half-pipe, I don’t have enough “juice” to make it to the other side and just settle in the middle… Well, crap, now what?

    Too exhausted and sad to work on things that will make me feel less exhausted and sad > doubting self > loathing self > deep funk > hopefully wears off in a day or two…

    I hate this cycle…