I’m looking to upgrade my Plex and game server. I currently have an i5-4690K with 16 GB DDR3 and it’s struggling a lot. My PSU is a 850W gold rated EVGA from 2017 so I don’t think it needs upgraded quite yet since I’ve been way under the wattage for most of its life.

I was looking at something like a 13400 but I’m not sure if it’s the best choice or what to pair it with.

  • TrenchcoatFullOfBats@belfry.rip
    2 years ago

    I’ve been pretty happy with the Intel T series processors. Running 2 i7-6700Ts and one i7-8700T. Both have a TDP of 35 watts.

    I’m using them in Proxmox machines and they’ve been super reliable while using very little power.