I’m getting tested in a bit over two weeks and today was the pre-exam via video call.
The assistant dude that did the interview asked how fiddly/hyperactive I see myself as, and I was like “eh, a bit but not that far above average” Apparently I had been rotating back and forth in my desk chair for the entirety of the preceding 10 mins, which he did point out :|
Apparently it’s also not called “Girl math”, but “Impulsive over-spending”. SMH my head
On an upside though, he also owns reptiles and was happy to indulge an unreasonable amount of questions about his chameleon!!
I didn’t know until this post. But I’m also not really up on my memes.
Didn’t know “girl math”? I didn’t either but I don’t think that’s the question.
A shame OP hasn’t responded yet.
I’m mostly familiar with ‘girl math’ as a style or flavor or theme in TikTok posts where usually teenage or young adult girls/women explain how…
Actually, if I buy and then return some shoes or clothes, that is not a net 0 for my budget, but actually I’m making money.
Or… If I don’t buy a coffee today… that’s actually increasing the amount of money I have… as opposed to, again, it being just null, no impact.
I am genuinely asking OP this because I’ve personally met a number of younger folks who…
…seem to actually take this seriously, and think it actually makes sense… not realizing that it is just a collection of utterly nonsensical justifications for frivolous spending… that the ‘math’ is complete bs…
… while some other younger folks will just laugh and say, hah what no, all those posts are jokes, obviously that’s nonsense, the joke is how stupid it is.
Why don’t you try be a little less horrible? OP is sharing their life stories with us. Be nice.
Oh wow you deleted my comment.
I am 35 years old, and autistic.
I’m not especially savvy to newer, younger social/internet memes, and I was honestly describing my understanding of ‘girl math’ as a modern social meme or phenomenon or what have you.
I genuinely was, and still am trying to figure out if my anecdotal experience with ‘girl math’ is a reasonably accurate understanding or not.
Could you perhaps point out where I was specifically horrible towards OP?
I’d love to be able to review what I wrote, but you’ve deleted it.
Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not sure what the problem was.
Well its been about 24hrs now, MrPoopyButthole has been posting in this time, so they would have seen my reply… apparently they don’t care to expand on this.