Please show me how you can make an iPhone at the exact thinness that also has an easy-swappable battery. You make it sound like this is something Apple can do but refuses to do.
It turns out that almost nobody swaps their battery even in phones with easily-swappable batteries. Apple decided that it wasn’t a big factor among customers when deciding phones, and even the first iPhone outsold phones with swappable batteries. The entire market switched over.
You’re requesting something impossible for me, making it irrelevant. I also don’t make any claims about thinness. I’m just saying I think Apple with all their amazing engineers would be able to solve it.
I don’t know whether this requirement is generally relevant for most users, it might not be, but I think we should strive for devices that are as easy as possible to repair to give them a longer life. An iPhone have immensely capable hardware these days - the other bit is of course software support.
Please show me how you can make an iPhone at the exact thinness that also has an easy-swappable battery. You make it sound like this is something Apple can do but refuses to do.
It turns out that almost nobody swaps their battery even in phones with easily-swappable batteries. Apple decided that it wasn’t a big factor among customers when deciding phones, and even the first iPhone outsold phones with swappable batteries. The entire market switched over.
You’re requesting something impossible for me, making it irrelevant. I also don’t make any claims about thinness. I’m just saying I think Apple with all their amazing engineers would be able to solve it.
I don’t know whether this requirement is generally relevant for most users, it might not be, but I think we should strive for devices that are as easy as possible to repair to give them a longer life. An iPhone have immensely capable hardware these days - the other bit is of course software support.
“Engineers can do anything!”
No, they’re limited by physics and size constraints. I’d also like a phone that is easily repairable by me, but there’s a trade off.