Looks like Thorin wants you to open that up so he can claim his box!
He LOVED the box.
And I hope you love the case! I also used a Define R5 for my most recent build, a couple years ago. It’s solid!
I bet he did. Nice and roomy.
Yeah, that cat doesn’t give half a fuck about your case he’s just waiting for it to vacate his fort!
it could use a couple of peepholes and an escape hatch. Otherwise, a solid fort.
Did he headbutt it?
Of course. He headbutts everything though so it’s nothing special
Proper orange braincell coz he managed to actually dent the cardboard
Open it, Thorin needs to get in there asap!
Thorin has excellent taste in cases. And in boxes. All-in-all, a remarkable cat.
(I have their Meshify XL case.)
Got mine last fall. Fell in love with the Meshify 2 XL and it is by far my favorite build. A coworker showed me this company years ago and I agreed with him. I said whenever I build a new one I will buy one. It’s perfect.
I’m running a media server with 90 TB of storage across a bunch of drives. Having a case that can handle 16 full-sized drives, plus 4 SSDs is a game changer.
The Define is such a good case.
Just looking forward to sleeping in the box.
A Feline purrR5? How is it? Did you get a mouse as well?
I hope not. We already have a serious mouse problem as it is.
That case is what my main server sits in.
You can see his one brain cell working overdrive
Hey, I have an older version of the same case. Very solid choice.
Same, an R4 with an i5 4670k I built in grad school. It’s my ham radio computer now, as happy running Debian as the day I built it.
Kitty like
Kitty get
Where are you guys getting your cases?
Last time I was shopping the biggest one on the site had exactly 3mm of clearance for my GPU, and it wasn’t even a particularly good card.
Fractal makes a few good cases, OP’s being one of them. The Define series is more about low volume + high capacity than airflow. All of their cases should have GPU clearance specs so you can tell if you have enough space before buying
Thorin has my respect for building his own machine.
I hope he saves the box for you.
He has good taste, that’s a quiet tank.
I have the same case, so naturally it’s an excellent choice you made