Right now it’s somewhat of a neutral ground with heavy commie and leftist leanings. I’d like to keep politics out of subs that aren’t related to politics but I ain’t holding my breath.
It comes up in non-political communities when people make political posts (like this one) but that seems fair game. I don’t really see people shoe-horning it in much otherwise.
Too much communism, i agree
Too much porn more like it. Marx said it best: the coomer feels alienation from the coom.
Begone lib.
When you’re coming from a strict ban on nearly all communist speech, an increase to communists getting to talk sometimes can look like too much.
Right now it’s somewhat of a neutral ground with heavy commie and leftist leanings. I’d like to keep politics out of subs that aren’t related to politics but I ain’t holding my breath.
It comes up in non-political communities when people make political posts (like this one) but that seems fair game. I don’t really see people shoe-horning it in much otherwise.
There’s an awful lot of political stuff going on. But then it’s hard to remember when there wasn’t.