This week I have been grinding a lot more Binding of Isaac. Finally made some progress on Jacob and Esau.

Also been playing more Indiana Jones. Game is so dang good. Finally left the Vatican, I don’t want the game to end!

    3 months ago

    Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered.

    Needed a full remake tbh. Some odd bugs as well, genuinely baffling in places. A couple of the new textures look worse than the old ones. A quick save/load feature would have gone a long way at the Drowned Abbey. SR2 combat isn’t hard (once you realise that the blocked attacks are still damaging the enemy despite having absolutely no feedback) but everything is so much more of a chore than the first game, and there’s nothing outside the main path to discover.

    Tomb Raider 3 Remaster.

    A game that makes you say “this level is a pain in the arse” on every level, but at least it has quick save and load. How I ever did this on PS1 with limited saves I’ll never know.

    Astro Bot.

    A glorified advert for all things Playstation, but a nice trip down memory lane regardless, as well as being fun to play.