What the hell is the tower of terror video?
What the hell is the tower of terror video?
Just an aside that Paddy wagons is pretty racist.
What do you drive?
You couldn’t do that before? That’s stupid.
That’s insane.
Oh holy shit I love Mr. Bungle! Mike is a god. Very cool man.
What’s the sweater? I see pentagrams and that makes me happy.
Wow, idiots are the same all over the world. Who would have thunk. Crazy how they all mirror each other.
Just yesterday, T-Mobile announced that its satellite messaging service, in collaboration with Starlink
Get fucked with that shit. Can’t wait for them to harvest everyone’s texts.
Agree with you on the tinnitus thing. I have it so bad from so many years of playing-in and going-to metal shows and riding bikes. Young and invincible, right? I try to do everything I can these days to keep it from getting any worse. I can’t even stand being in a silent room, it drives me nuts. Always have to have at least a fan or some music on.
So glad to hear they help you cope with an overwhelming amount of sound too. ❤️
I use EARPEACE ear plugs when riding my motorcycles but also use them at concerts. They have ones for moto, music, sport, and sleep but I just use my moto ones for everything. Haven’t tried any of the other varieties to see how they compare in the real world.
I enjoy them because they cut down on the shitty frequencies that’ll damage your hearing but still allow you to hear things clearly. Also pretty nice that you get 3 ear plugs per order in case you lose one. It also comes with an aluminum carrying case for them so you can throw it in your pocket or bag and not have them get damaged or covered with pocket fuzz.
They’re pretty damned inexpensive too for what they are.
Correct. No one taking your ID gives one single shit what your picture looks like as long as it looks like you.
And here I thought the Welsh were just sheep fuckers.
What is race blind?
The grandest.
On my 4th playthrough right now actually. Can’t wait for this sequel!
And your speakers are on subscription plans that charge you for every second that they play noise. Better upgrade to the next tier if you want to listen to anything else!
If you just do a standing burnout at every light will it not pop up?