How you gonna post about cum metal and not link any bangers? Hook a brother up
How you gonna post about cum metal and not link any bangers? Hook a brother up
This looks awesome, thanks for posting!
What lead you to believe NPM is useless/messy?
Poseidon is the Greek god of water (and horses), Neptune is the Roman version.
Same guy. Same kiss. Same pucker.
What an edifying thread, thank you both for knowing stuff about things
What an amazing cheat sheet then!
I’m about to print this out to add to my pile, thanks for taking the time.
I am new to Linux, is this the current “standard” file system?
Using your example, I meant it in the sense that the DM could have just as easily said 30 minutes of following as a cat instead of 40 and you would have 25% more wildshape resources, an entire box extra.
Things like Ki points can’t be fudged. You either use it or you don’t. This solution, while I enjoy the discourse, is going to end with the druid at my table saying that they’re only turning into a mouse for a few seconds while they scurry under the door. How do we handle that occurring 10+ times a session? At what point do we need too many house rules to govern this one rule change?
In the interest of discussion, I’ll offer an alternative. What if you had Wildshape Charges instead of Wildshape Minutes? Feel free to change the numbers, but let’s say you have 8 charges at level 5, and gain 1 or 2 charges per level. It takes 4 charges to transform into a CR2 animal, 2 charges for a CR 1, and a flat 1 charge for anything below CR 1. The amount of time you can Wildshape stays the same, or is a flat hourly amount. This will allow you to strategically plan out your Wildshape Charges while adding no additional rules for the DM or table. Thoughts?
The main roadblock for this approach is that, outside of combat, the passage of time is arbitrarily decided by the DM.
Just wait until Google implements Web Environment Integrity.
We should already be in the streets and we’re not.
What the fuck is this thread
110% it would be anything the cat chefs cook up in Monster Hunter World. Those animations always got me hungry.
Do you mean XFS, or ZFS?
Dunkey is going to make a video about this
Literally THIS
Edit: We did it Reddit!
Still waiting for Defense Against the AI Dark Arts to drop