Suicide watch uniform, I think. Have only seen it in one old photo so it might have just been that facility
Suicide watch uniform, I think. Have only seen it in one old photo so it might have just been that facility
It’s literally his first name
Lebron James
I play old school maplestory on maplelegends. They have strict “no real world trade” rules and no pay to win. It really is just the game how it should be played, which really highlights all the flaws in the game (there are many)
Obviously the main draw is nostalgia, so if it’s something you’ve never played it won’t have much value, but the community is great and it’s an mmo with lots to do and endgame content to aspire to
Again, why not assume people saying we should have been off fossil fuels a decade ago mean that we should have been researching and investing in alternatives 50 years ago? If we did, we would have a way better chance if being off fossil fuels a decade ago
You don’t think maybe we would be closer to having that means of energy production now if we started 50 years ago when we noticed the impacts of climate change?
Youre assuming climate activists have the MORONIC idea of just transitioning to shit tech, instead of the idea of investing in making tech that can replace oil usage
“No art on a dead planet” is a braindead justification and does not in any way outline how vandalism of art is supposed to translate into climate activism
If damaged art hurts your feelings get mad at the government killing all art on the planet and not the activists partially damaging some art.
“I understand that we’re pissing people off but there’s no other way to get attention” … not particularly compelling rebuttals in the critics section
Why not? How else should they be getting attention?
“JSO was central in setting the 2024 Labour agenda” is utterly deluded,
I won’t disagree
This really reinforces my view that JSO are terribly naive and have no real idea on how their actions will seriously lead to mass change of opinions on climate change.
Yeah I don’t get the vibe from you that you’d change your view
Partially related but do you have any evidence that jso tactics has a “greater backlash from the exact kind of educated people most likely to get involved in climate activism” or is that kinda vibes based
Also the section “jso critics” and “does it work”
YouTube provides transcripts. It’s in the discription on the website
Kinda dumb of you to assume the only option to stop oil is an immediate cessation of all usage
It’s a conspiracy man
Ai is a tool. It can be used for good and it can be used for poison. Just because you see it being used for poison more often doesn’t mean you should be against ai. Maybe lay the blame on the people using it for poison
Eminem wrote a song about it so that’s not nothing
Lmao I have ad free YouTube, twitch, and reddit. Not giving that up because I’m scared of an app
The meme is just as good without the word niche. You don’t need to enforce meme accuracy on the internet. Everyone will survive if we talk about YouTubers who aren’t niche
Did you read the article? Are you familiar with the concept of tech debt? Sounds like they would have to put the rest of the game dev on hold for months if not a year to make progress, and they’re already known as a company with slow dev because they take care of their employees and don’t crunch.
I mean I agree I want female dwarves in the game, but it’s literally millions of dollars to implement
I’m too afraid to click the link. What’s the scam? Why is this account spamming these links?
He was entirely unfit to hold office and ruined the democrats chance of winning the election
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