Cost of electricity is non zero. Distributed computing between pis might be the most cost effective way (hardware and electricity)
Cost of electricity is non zero. Distributed computing between pis might be the most cost effective way (hardware and electricity)
Cpp is a misspelling of the acronym Chinese Communist party aka CCP.
A lot of “degoogling” talk has discussed how to degoogled email in a graceful way (Gmail has huge market share). Let me find that community.
Edit: based on that post, you probably want fastmail to selfhost. Now the official API of mail clients is jmap, so it may not be “rest” and you may not be able to find a “reliable” rest api
Edit final: check this out And I still don’t know what ones have a rest api.
Most rpi heat sinks have a foam insulator acting as a sticky tape. Remove it and use thermal paste
On top of that, a group made similar claims and produced data and the data was unclear as to whether it was manufactured/faked. Everyone expects this to be fake, so instead of saying “remember the hype last time that was fake” they are saying “you should be so hyped that you can’t prove it is fake and give us money this time”
Everyone who followed it at first is not holding their breath before reproduction of results.
Acid migraines are the worst if your family has a history of ulcers or acid reflux. Tums is 10x better that Pepto if that is the cause.
Those are the rose colored glasses that my wife uses. They are a general light preventative. (She can “relax” in public). Also concert earplugs like “eargasm” are something that allow focusing through the pain.
Sometimes nerve pain in the legs like sciatic can contribute as well. If you have weird “someone hit my funnybone” pain in your legs then you could look into neural flossing. Sometimes the pain in the legs cause tension all over which makes a migraine until everything resets.
Good luck!
Ehh, it could sound that way (green washing). I remember an article from 1 or 2 years ago where Microsoft did a “pilot” test of this and the general consensus is that in a datacenter
Time (and investments) will tell if this is the solution to costly land based air heat pumps to cool datacenters with human interactions.
My understanding is that they take a data center rack, stick it in a metal tube, then replace all the oxygen with an inert gas like argon, then sink to the bottom of the ocean. I think seawater is only exposed to the outside low tech metal.
Tums. (If it is indigestion caused). Rose colored glasses
But without oxygen and with fewer vibrations from cooling, they last 5years longer with no maintenance.
My slice is my mess. The slices owned by corps are theirs (and maybe the people who confuse their identities with them)
Based on that, there is no “q&a” type of Fediverse software (a clear answer and a clear “voted best” answer).
Stack overflow had a huge number of “mod tools” to help curate the content (gold nuggets) given. They did not do the step of aggregating content (gold ingots) like Wikipedia has. The marking as duplicate could and should be tempered by “due diligence” or “age of the last time this was asked”, but how it is implemented is up to them.
Some of you should try
I think by “some of you” you mean “heavy printer users”, and if so I agree.
The typical use case for most folks is infrequent (maybe print 100 pages 1 month and 1 page each month otherwise or less) and works when you want to use it.
The two features you describe do add value, but are anti features when an in
Microsoft has been known to detect unencrypted passwords on storage or emails and try them on the encrypted zips that are stored. It may be standard practice to operate across borders.
I haven’t engaged in long form debates in years. This is fun for me too.
The fundamental unit of Capitalism, the thing that drives everything, are Capitalists (investors) investing their capital (Money) with the intention of receiving a return on their investment (more money than they invested). … People who are not capitalists in capitalism are workers.
The idea that investors are the only “capitalists” and workers have no ability to leverage their assets (time, money, health, etc.) to get more return (work less or more luxury) is a little flimsy:
under capitalism the only way that a worker can have a decent standard of living is through selling their time to a capitalist enterprise
Hard disagree there. I see two assumptions there:
Regarding a decent standard of living, 200 years ago the greatest of kings couldn’t have imagined indoor plumbing. Food that keeps basically forever in a small package? Well it is probably jerky or poison or in a plastic wrapper. Food that keeps after you cook it? It must be in an ice box. We are living above the class of kings but we have tunnel vision due to a hedonic treadmill. Some people take up hobbies to remind themselves of just how luxurious daily life is: camping.
Regarding the only way, tunnel vision occurs when all known generations have followed the same path. For example, if your dad was a farmer, your grandpa was a farmer, and all of your friends are farmers, would you think of becoming a train engineer as you grew up? No? What about if the crops didn’t do well when you are about to get married, would you start thinking about train engineering? Probably no as well. But if the crops do poorly and you move to the big city to try to find your fortune, you might stumble on a classified ad for train engineering.
only due to the nature of capitalism would labor saving technology be a threat
Labor saving technology is always a threat to the status quo especially so because it calls into question society’s assumptions. The worker (numerous and easily isolated) feels the anxiety from threats to the status quo the most as there is the most uncertainty (isolation increases uncertainty). The investor who doesn’t do his due diligence is soon parted from his money, so he is constantly doing market research, labor research, and assessing competition (or delegating this to CEOs, external auditors, and other decision making management).
So what are the assumptions in society regarding economics (management of scarce resources like time, money, food, energy, etc.)?
Capitalism (where all individuals are owners of scarce resources) incentivizes people with promises of future stability (pay to be specialized, then be paid in increased wages). Socialism/communism (where community/governments are owners of scarce resources incentivizes people with promises of “taking care of you”. <u> I think this is the crux of the argument. </u> If AI (or any technological advancement that could save time) advances at a sufficient rate that voids the economic assumptions behind most of society:
then there will be unrest until people adjust to match the new normal of society’s assumptions.
Every theory I have explored on this subject has used the assumption that “effort is adverse” therefore some kind of payment must be made in order to incentivize more than zero effort from someone. When workers expend effort, they look for ways to not have to expend as much. Workers with no incentive to work more efficiently will not do any inventing/innovation.
I think that one of the primary causes of rapid growth is the application of the scientific method to everything. We have statistics (probability), engineering, etc. all growing at lightning rates (compared to the millennia long agricultural revolution). One of the ways that worked to prevent power consolidation was death of those in power and a subsequent war of succession. We currently have LLCs that are owned over multi generations with boards of directors and CEOs that are increasingly proficient at power consolidation (governmental, monetary, environmental, health, etc.). My one final thought is from the bible: Isaiah 5:8
Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land.
The context as i understand it is Isaiah is speaking about people merging lands & businesses and wealth then producing almost nothing with it. I think that mega corporations are leaving no space left for an inheritance, and shortly they will produce nothing and fall.
I think i understand your point. I think you are conflating the definition of “capitalism” and “specialization”. I could go to the agrarian lifestyle right now and use a stick instead of a shovel to dig and give up other conveniences of specialization. Because an accountant specialized, they are gambling that the cost of specialization is better (income growth) than general skill, but for the duration that the specialization is better, they get better pay than an unskilled worker and have the money to buy imported tools (like shovels) or houses with indoor plumbing.
Counterpoint after exploring your full argument: Capitalism is an incentive system to take advantage of Human’s desire to do less effort for more return. People start inventing in all sorts of ways when in a capitalist society such that specialization happens. People wait in bread lines and do society level “malicious compliance” when other systems like socialism or communism are in place. (except anarchy, but i have never seen an example of that working at scale of 1M people or more)
My argument is that the anxiety is misplaced if it’s directed toward technology
I agree with you there.
The anxiety should be directed at the institution of capitalism itself
I don’t see the connection there. Perhaps Human Nature? Perhaps governmental structure? Perhaps social programs failing the groups i care about (including myself).
It doesn’t take strong AI to have a significant negative effect on the common person. In the same way that “self checkout robots” removed 9 of 10 cashier’s (one left to monitor the machines), chatgpt and other LLMs have the ability to remove much of the time composing executive summaries, and other time consuming activities. The average person will be let go from communication heavy companies and there will be a few very rich individuals capturing the increased productivity until the market adapts across 4 years (unless another tech breakthrough happens while the common person is retooling through university). The anxiety is not without cause. The cost of university is 1 year of gross wages.
The jellyfin community is probably best for that question.
Savory is kinda salty. Umami is kinda buttery