MyRadarPro has a travel mode and works with CarPlay. You can give it your destination and it will correlate travel time to future forecast. It will tell you things like, it will be raining when you reach this point along your route.
MyRadarPro has a travel mode and works with CarPlay. You can give it your destination and it will correlate travel time to future forecast. It will tell you things like, it will be raining when you reach this point along your route.
Now this is a shower thought.
What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not?
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
Knight turned the machine off and on.
The machine worked.
This is one possible future for “good” AI.
I’m not doing anything I can’t put off. Come on over. I’ll make iced tea and burgers. Who’s bringing the sides?
I was there, Gandalf, when we named hosts after your horse and didn’t pronounce the “dot” in “.com”
This feels like a First Follower problem.
He’s clearly on the right track, but the first steps have a lot of inertia holding them back. Also, is hard to act as a community when we’re looking for those first few leaders to do something on their own that we as individuals can get behind.
We need some frameworks for action. I don’t think we know what that looks like yet.
Right now, I’m using Obsidian. I think I’d like to transition to keeping docs in a wiki, but I worry that it’s part of the self-hosted infrastructure. In other words, if the wiki’s down, I no longer have the docs that I need to repair the wiki.
iWax on … iWax off
Is there any way to get rss feeds directly from AP/Reuters any more?
Well, he is 66, and I hear average life expectancy is decreasing…
These three are still the best bet.
I made the observation last week at work. As my teams starts to move from Slack to (ahem) Teams, it’s worth noting that the internal IRC still works.
If the Russians can’t succeed with numbers, will they escalate?
Check out FreshRSS. You can self host, so if you have a home server, this will do the trick. Use your favorite reader app that can connect to it.
I get the subscription fatigue. I’m currently paying for Inoreader because I haven’t fully cut over to FreshRSS. It has good tools that are worth it for many, but all those subscriptions add up fast.
Synology has the best systems of their kind. I’d go with them for pre-made solutions. Their UI is simple enough for most folks to understand.
Backups. Backups. Backups. Focus on what you can reliably do. If you can’t make a service bulletproof, then maybe it’s not ready for everyday use.
Keep good notes. Notes tell both what you did and why you did it. Keep track of what problem you’re solving or what goal you’re working toward. All of this will help when you do look for a new IT provider. Use your notes to help the business define requirements for them.
Make Ambrose Bierce proud!