•Is there any possibility of introducing bots like AutoLovepon and Roboragi here?
2 years agoI’ve made a fork of autolovepon for Lemmy already, just waiting on the mods to give me the thumbs up to deploy. Don’t wanna just go over their heads on it
Currently I’m in contact with one of the mods, so I hope to have an update by tomorrow. They seem happy to have something like this.
Also, not sure if begging is necessary lol, they seem like ordinary dudes who have lives outside of this (as do I), hopefully this just helps people anticipate discussion threads. If you ever have suggestions, my regular username is, feel free to message me with any suggestions.
For the casual user: You might see a series of 30+ threads pop up sometime Saturday and Sunday (7/8 and 7/9 for East Coast USA). Still TBD, but I’m hopeful to get it up before we hit the following week so we can start to get this baby rolling. Gotta rip that band-aid off sometime.