Sadly i need an ink printer. I already hace a laser one but sometimes i need to printer on papers that don’t work on laser
Sadly i need an ink printer. I already hace a laser one but sometimes i need to printer on papers that don’t work on laser
They were the last good guys :(
I guess it’s time to buy the printer I’ve been postponing
Once I took my cats to a park thinking they would have fun, it was the first time I saw them breathing heavily due to the stress. Can’t imagine what would happen going to the beach.
Geeknights - 2 geeks talking about geeky stuff which is not just 1 but 3 different shows.
Ludology - talks about boardgame design
Self-hosted podcast - this one has a couple ads but all related to the tech and usually includes discounts
Darknet diaries- I think this has a bit of ads but can’t remember right now
Hackaday - news about random stuff and cool projects
Just remembered people make games, but it’s for patreon only
Some friends had to restart their business because their only online presence was on Instagram and their account got banned. So all their sales dropped to almost 0 overnight
It seems to be on a healthy state, there are some communities that I would like to have more content. But that’s also on me to share and contribute to the communities I would like to see.
Being a bystander on reddit for so long it’s a bit difficult to change that mindset, but I’m trying to share a bit more
Even if you need microsoft office for some random file you can use their free web version. Well it’s been a couple years since I last needed it I’m assuming it still exists
It amazes me the amount of people that think theres no alternative to adobe, just for their casual use. I know that for professional it has some features that no other has.
Altough termal prints seem to fade over time, it seems that his use case is to add images to his notebooks. So i don’t think that would be a good idea unless the plan is to throw it away at the end of the course
This has been a good discussion, and I agree a bit with both of you.
On one hand I agree that it’s part part of the game design to either have unlockables stuff or have access directly to it. And it can alter greatly how each designer and player approaches the game.
I don’t think it’s wrong either way but there are several examples in the industry where the design turns on greed mode and the gameplay feels second tought if at all. But that doesn’t mean if they are charging you, or you need to unlock it it’s automatically unfair.
I haven’t played Helldivers but for what I understand is a pve game in which you teamup to advance trough levels. For me it sounds fine that the progression is behind a grind. Although It could be even better to have it all unlocked, it could change the complete feeling of the game
On the other hand pvp games like Civilization, skull girls, should have either everything unlocked or a way to easily unlock it trough a little play. Since the appeal for me is for everyone to be on equal footing and just a display of skill.
If you are not used to, at first it may be difficult to pay attention to the audio and understand it. Sometimes for me, the audio becomes background noise.
I listen to several podcasts, while it’s not the same as an audiobook I started doing it to practice languages until I found some channels I like and it’s now part of my daily activities
This is very important. It’s easier to do regular “exercise” if it’s part of your daily routine than having to go out of your way to go to the gym.
The fittest I’ve been on the last years has been when I could bike to the office
I want to know the answer. Is it just greed?
From the picture I’m guessing a talk about open suse during a windows expo
I haven’t heard most of those artists but some of the albums art reminds me of MC Lars
Like the color purple
So, should I stay on the left side of France?
The only problem I see with KDE Connect is that you need to pair the devices. Works great if both are yours, but probably its not something you want leave with the default settings if its shared with someone else.
I have a domain with godaddy that renews very soon. Is it posible to migrate it to another registrar?