Iranian player 2
Iranian player 2
This is because racism is dumb, illogical, and inconsistent.
Don’t forget everyone was also drunk and suffering from lead poisoning
Only when they want to feel hard.
“Maximizing operational efficiency”
I sometimes use nitter.poast.org, it works fine for me.
If your own neurotransmitters aren’t working right, store-bought is fine.
Gisèle Pelicot’s voice broke as she addressed some of the witnesses who stayed in the room.
“I wanted to remind these women — wives, sisters, mothers — who say their husbands are good men who wouldn’t do this,” she said. “I had the same.”
Lest we forget this is the same country whose citizens rioted because IDF soldiers who raped prisoners were being punished.
Gotta make sure Hamas has radical recruits so Israel can keep justifying apartheid, genocide, and invasion.
I wish I could to, but I don’t think Netanyahu would take an off-ramp? He’s getting everything he wants: clearing land in Gaza and Lebanon for settlers and giving a Final Answer to the Palestinian Question. At this point, I don’t think Israel will stop until it’s forced.
Let’s be honest, it’s Benito Orban if anything.
I can already hear the “Dongchuckler dry heave bubbleslide”
Archive.org is currently being DDoS’d and is unavailable.
I love that something like this exists for these workers and demonstrates how freely accessible health care saves everyone (including the company) a whole bunch of money.
I hate that this is a: reliant on the goodwill of a private company and b: bold and revolutionary for the US.
In 2021 Netanyahu was indicted for bribery, fraud, corruption, breach of trust, etc. The trial is actually still ongoing, but basically as long as he’s Prime Minister, he’s probably not going to see the inside of a cell.
So in order to stay Prime Minister he needs to keep his coalition of various nationalist religious conservatives together and he needs to not have another election.
As long as there’s a war going on, he can postpone elections, and as long as he’s clearing land for settlers he’s appealing to those same nationalist religious conservatives.
So basically he’s trying to start a forever war so he doesn’t go to jail.
This makes the Arctic an incredibly rich area. It is about the same geographic size as the African Continent - about 6% of Earth’s surface area - yet it holds an estimated 22 percent of Earth’s oil and natural gas resource.
A more accessible Arctic will create new opportunities for shorter, potentially more economical, northern maritime trade routes imagined by global leaders for centuries.
Not to mention the strategic use of the Arctic, aka, the reason NORAD is a thing.
Have you played Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry? It’s not a perfect fit but you do get to hunt down slavers and slave ships.