my favorite daw is renoise. The sample management is excellent (it’s a tracker) and it manages VST perfectly well.
my favorite daw is renoise. The sample management is excellent (it’s a tracker) and it manages VST perfectly well.
I used Jerboa and then Eternity, now I use Voyager which I think is very good and stable. I’ve never tried Thunder.
And me with my i7-950/gtx970 XD
Ouch ! It’s a tough one.
I hand write on my Onyx Boox Nova Air e- ink tablet : the best of the two worlds.
Sync is cool,but Jerboa is currently good-enough, while being free as in free beer, to wait until the recently released Infinity for Lemmy are being more robust.
And this why we love it. Perfect meme.
Que de souvenirs !
Same here and with an Optimus configuration ( NVIDIA + Intel GPU ). Work flawlessly on my Fedora.