This is the way. Linux gave my computer more freedom and lifespan. Never go back again.
This is the way. Linux gave my computer more freedom and lifespan. Never go back again.
We have to kill the Internet, to save humanity.
Who’s Nicole?
To be honest, I don’t really do much of playing with my computer. I only have dosbox for old games and then couple of other games from software center, which are made for Linux. So I’m not sure how Mint works with new games.
I have used it many years now. Couldn’t be happier. I still have Windows lying on somewhere in the hard drive, but I haven’t booted it for a year or so.
But you can give a gun to your toddler? Apparently “accidents are rare but tragic” doesn’t stand for guns?
I came here just for advertising Linux Mint once again. 👍
I ditched Windows for a year ago and have been happy user of Linux Mint since then. It’s solid, nice and easy to use. I don’t like much of customization, all I want is easy to use and solid system and Mint with Cinnamon is all that. Years ago I was distro hopping around but now I don’t need that.
I hope he can now afford some eggs.
We don’t need your shit. Go suck Putin’s dick.
Where is this place? “Kiitos” is “thanks” in Finnish.
Nightwish, Jinjer, Arch Enemy, Battle Beast comes to my mind. Noora Louhimo is quite good singer.
English and my native language. It depends on my mood. Usually, if you need to find some resolution to the technical issues, it’s easier to use English.
If you don’t know what to choose, just pick Mint and give it a try. It’s not that difficult. Don’t go for those things, which need more knowledge, start with the easiest one and if your knowledge is growing and you are willing to do distro hopping, you can try more complex stuff.