That’s great, thanks! I really appreciate the detailed response and the links.
The methodology IS cloud native
Ok great. Is it also fair to say that cloud native is the methodology? Or is cloud native a higher order concept that the methodology can fall into? I.e. rock is music, but music is not rock.
In a single (but not smooth) stroke, like how one would write a (mirrored) h, but where you would end the h normally, you connect it back to the bottom of the stem instead.
That’s even weirder that you’d do ol for d then. I’d expect you to do a single stroke o, starting at the right hand side, but upon completing the o, continue straight up to make the stem of the d.
IMO a hallmark of messy writing should be the shortcuts taken to reduce the amount of lifts of the stylus for efficiency’s sake. You need to improve the efficiency of your sloppiness, to make things worse so it gets better 😂