Besides, Windows can be very laggy even on supported hardware.
Need to talk to me? If needed, I can speak 🇧🇷/🇺🇸/🇪🇸, and a bit of 🇯🇵/🇳🇴
Besides, Windows can be very laggy even on supported hardware.
Looking for a more stable distro could be a good idea. Some distros are pretty much only PoC, or too niche to have a good support, or the beta channel of another, better supported distro.
I don’t mind necro as long as it isn’t obvious spam, so don’t worry. =D
(besides, Reddit also had a lot of this, where pertinent replies would only appear a long time after the posts were made)
But thanks! The game looks pretty interesting, going by the promotional materials, and the store page also mentions it has both English and Japanese, so likely at least texts will be translated.
Xiaomi mobiles aren’t available in the US
Maybe the OP could import one? Or are there sanctions even for importing?
Perhaps the reasoning changes from person to person, but for me, it goes along the lines of this image posted, oddly enough, on a memes page:
Looks like it was around the end of March when Valve announced the date they’d end support for Win7 and Win8. So perhaps a part of the Windows userbase went to Linux. If for fear, as a final push to drop Windows, etc., I don’t know, but perhaps they may have influenced.
Previous 12 months:
June 2023: -0.03%
May 2023: +0.15%
April 2023: +0.48%
March 2023: -0.43%
February 2023: -0.11%
January 2023: no difference
December 2023: -0.06%
November 2022: +0.16%
October 2022: +0.05%
September 2022: -0.04%
August 2022: +0.04%
July 2022: +0.05%
It would seem Linux among Steam users shows a growth tendency.
Hopefully this tendency keeps going strong!
The majority of posts on Reddit are also like that. Perhaps a curse of a feed-oriented forum (or whatever this type of social media is called)
Just checked. Initial release was in 2016. Maybe I confused it with a previous title from IF/CH.
Grid-based, dungeon crawler RPG (a mouthful, I know). The most recent titles in this genre I remember are the Mary Skelter trilogy, but the first game is about 10 years old already.
If you absolutely must get something from Google Play, I suggest Aurora Store, which acts as an alternative frontend for Google Play, so you don’t have to have GApps installed.
If you have use for command line programs, Termux, a terminal emulator, is a great option, and it also works with root.
For reading eBooks, I also have a recommendation, Librera Reader (but I’ll check the OP’s recommendation too).
Material Files and Simple File Manager are great file browsing tools. But if you need a file browser for root specifically, I recommend Material Files specifically.
While the most recent piece of Apple technology I’ve used was a Macintosh 7, I’ve gone through similar issues with Android phones and desktop devices.
For Windows, the reliance came from the tendency of people (myself included) to avoid change, and Microsoft exploiting that, and with Android, because rare are the cases of commercial phones that don’t come with Google’s bloat.
But, upon switching to Linux and vanilla Android, as Nobuo Uematsu once said, “(…) the more limited people are, the more ingenious they begin to get (…)”. So while I had lost most tools I had in my comfort zone, it was a good opportunity for renewal, of which I took advantage.
In lights of that, my recommendation is to “take the leap” and try technologies you’re not used with, and see what you can learn from them.
This is just a hypothesis, since I never dug on the subject, but considering sparkling beverages overall, at least in my side of the globe (Brazil), use carbon dioxide, which, when mixed with water, becomes carbonic acid, which, when mixed with basic compounds, becomes salt, I’d imagine sparkling water would be a good way to increase salt levels in the body, which could perhaps be bad in your case, since you need water for medical reasons.
I use the Android app Librera Reader, since it’s the best one I could find that is officially distributed outside of the Play Store (de-google, anyone?).
You can find the APK on both F-Droid and GitHub.
For ebooks, since Librera doesn’t seem to be able to validate DRM (thankfully), I buy ebooks in DRM free formats, meaning I usually pend to Itchio, IndieGala, Fanatical, Humble Bundle, Story Bundle, etc.
I’d recommend Mint, because, from my experience, it’s pretty stable, UX is designed so terminal usage can be kept to a minimum (but you can still prioritize it if you want), support from programs is overall good, and it ditches snap. But worth noting that, if you need cutting edge features, Mint is not for you, as it seems to be the new Debian, where updates are traded off for stability.
The only one I knew (before checking the other comments lol) is WinLaunch:
Plus a surprisingly decent CBZ/CBR reader, if you like reading comics in a TV.
Same as the past 10 or so years, from what I can tell.