Or better yet put her in an arena with all of the parents of the babies she killed and let them have their own justice.
Or better yet put her in an arena with all of the parents of the babies she killed and let them have their own justice.
Have you not been paying attention to all the young athletes dropping like flies and all the celebs dropping like flies on stages and in arenas. Like I said keep that blind eye and eventually the farmer will come to slaughter the sheep. 😂😂
Wanna try that again in English?
The question is why are you so scared of the cold in the first place? 99.6% survival rate. How is that scary? Genuinely curious, explain why that’s scary to people. Bunch of downvotws but no one to explain why the cold is so scary? Hmm
So all of you that are scared of a cold just suffer from paranoia? Shit you could have just said that from the beginning. Well shit good luck G.
Coming from the one who is scared of a fucking cold. You have a higher chance of dying from the flu than you do Rona, but keep living in fear see where that gets you. 😂
Lmao I do not give a single shit what you dumb fucks on the Internet think or say. Y’all got played and you’re scared to admit it. You’ll learn eventually, otherwise have fun living the rest of your pathetic lives in fear of a cold. 😂
I’ll always speak my mind, and these people will never accept the fact they got played. They will all just listen to every little thing the gov tells them to do, like the good little sheep they are. If they brought vax camps and train rides to them, all these people would jump on with out hesitation.
Okay and look at Sweden they didn’t do anything for Rona and were better off than everyone 😂
Enjoy those blood clots and heart attacks, while calling people that didn’t get the mystery juice “anti vaxxers” 😂😂. Newsflash the Rona vax isn’t a vax at all it’s a shot just like the flu shot, it doesn’t stop jack shit.
Imagine being scared of a cold with a 99.6% survival rate. 😂😂 newsflash buddy the masks never did anything and never will. God the people that freaked out over a cold are just pathetic, you all wasted years of your lives hiding from a cold that will get to you eventually anyway. The rest of us continued living our lives perfectly fine.
Either way you’re not gonna change my mind and I’m not gonna change yours, but I’ve always been curious why people are so scared of that bullshit when you face hundreds of other ways to die every single day with out batting and eye. You have a higher chance of being hit by lightning than dying from Rona. So what’s so scary about a cold?