This is more of a rant isn’t it
This is more of a rant isn’t it
I feel like hosting your own Obsidian vault is still the way to go.
From what I’ve seen, it’s not nearly as customizable as Ditto.
Looks interesting, I’ll give it a go!
For both professional and personal use, I can list 2 that you likely haven’t heard of: Imagine PNG/JPEG optimization - it basically compresses images and photos so you can email lots of stuff back and forth without using the likes of WeTransfer. Ditto Clipboard Manager - a multi clipboard for Windows. Ever try to paste something, only to realise you’ve already copied over it? Its use and helpfulness is so ubiquitous, I just could never live without it anymore.
Isn’t this similar to the tech used in fiber optics cables? Or am I way off
I’ve tried Thunderbird and wasn’t convinced… My work life is basically email, and I’ve tried several email apps over the years, a lot more than most people. I’ve found Postbox on desktop and Spark on mobile to be the magic pair for me so far. Unless Postbox fails me, I don’t think I’ll bother trying anything else anytime soon… Though I’m open to suggestions for mobile, since there’s room for improvement with Spark.
I can confirm that this works quite well. I use these tactics all the time on my parents’ feed to keep them from watching too many “crap” news, pardon my french. There’s a very notorious news channel in our country that insists on feeding bad (and only the bad) news - I often remove their channel from the suggested feed play videos of funny fails/wins, cute cats, daily dose of internet and other happy nonesense.
Give us an update sometime , hope all goes well with your mom.
Same here, works fine on PC. I even get the notification on PC first sometimes.
Been using Signal for a very long time now, with my SO, parents, brother and a few friends. But it’s inevitable to also use WhatsApp side by side. Selling/Buying on the local marketplace? WhatsApp. Workplace colleagues? WhatsApp. That group of buddies where only 1 or 2 converted to Signal? WhatsApp.
I’m using Thunder and wefwef side by side and I like them both. I’m on and it seems to work fine.
Huh, tipping…