Gaded bastard
Gaded bastard
Originally but afaik they rewrote basically the whole OS over the years and nothing of the original BSD remains. That’s what I heard but I never verified.
It sucks in the way you understand and know because nothing else even exists. No one is interested in having to cater to their walled garden unless there’s money to be made. Meanwhile both Linux and Windows have many open source projects and hobbyists working on things. So you might get a mac driver for something you buy but most of the time macos is an afterthought at best in many hobby projects. Also lol mac gaming is a joke. Even Linux is getting better support now than macos in that regard since the Steamdeck.
Haha the only thing a quantum channel does is verifying if a message has been altered (looking at a message alters it).
Actual encryption that prevents the Shor algorithm from having a linear running time have been around for quite some time now and can be easily run on normal machines. NIST is just taking its sweet time to decide on one.
Not “could”, you very likely are or have been porn to somebody. Like really very likely. Chances are just that they will never tell you and you will never find out.
Isn’t Tildes still invite only and basically denying everyone their application?
Wether it is the end for brave or not we don’t know (judging by the core users of Brave and FF I highly doubt that it will just be the end of Brave or Firefox)
I’m fairly certain that it will split the web apart even more. Then we have the “totally safe and totally not monitored” adinfested buzzweb. We have the chinese walled garden web. And ofc the darkweb (e.g. tor and onion-sites). And the new addition will be the gray-web or something because “ya JusT cAn’T be SuRe” (completely disregarding that the current APIs are really just about all that’s needed. Imo someone running a website has in their own interest and in their own responsibility to secure their site and servers. WEI is a cheap stupid cop out at best for security concerns and “you WILL be looking at our fucking ads, you fucking data slave” at worst.
Oh Nice! Well then I’m lucky too. Got a Ryzen 9
Because it’s old and easy to handle. Yes it’s wasteful if you convert whole videos, but really anything under 10s with low rez is easily handleable by pretty much anything. Gif was the first animated format and that’s why it’s big. Also early internet forum days were absolutely plastered with pixelart gifs that ran for minutes and barely swalloed 100kb. You can get a lot of bang for your buck if you save on pixels and framerate. But ofc a 60fps render of some 4k bluray clip will eat your memory. Contrast that with 16×32 px gif that runs at 8fps.
I was a regular Teamspeak user and Discord is just more friendly than TS imo
Lol wouldn’t that be epic. IRC becoming a big thing again because discord, whatsapp, and all thr other business social media go to shit.
Isn’t EPYC just a different name for Zen 3?
Karma is the total of upvotes and downvotes a user receives over time not just single posts and comments. It leads to discrimantory moderation and users tend to whore themselves out for upvotes to boast.
Ever heard of gallowboob?
Which is honestly freaking dumb. Sure you can do it with a big community but it will speed up the hivemind and alienate new users and frankly did nothing to curb bots because bots just farmed karma elsewhere on a sub where it was open by spamming posts and comments. And then went right back on the “threshold” subs.
It scales pretty easily. A Yak’chal is basically an early version of a cooling tower. And they regularly get used for bigger house complexes.
I came across this exact thing when researching air conditioning. And since I was interested in a good soltution for the tropics these Yak’chals as they’re called are basically useless. The tropics regularly have dew points of 26°C and above.
It can kinda work with an elaborate setup and a (liquid) desiccant cycle but in the end you still want the evaporation cooling outside, especially in the tropics where you have legionella practically instantly if you humidify anything indoors. And that will tank the efficiency. But it kinda works. The more humid the weather the hotter the regeneration of the desiccant has to be to work.
Video 1 Experimental setup indoors to show the concept
Video 2 Solar setup outside
From time to time reddit does a community project, where you have a canvas of 1000x1000 px and every user can set the color of a single pixel with a cooldown period of 5 minutes.
I believe it had the origin in a legend that some guy in the old web sold ad space on a 1000x1000 px canvas for 1$ per pixel and got rich with it.
That’s a variation of a singleton universe timeline.
Lmao get out you paid shill
I just visited the US and I was dumbfounded how insane your city planning is. Like you literally can’t just make a short shopping trip on foot. You’d have to walk half an hour to even reach basic stores because the sprawl is so bad (City in CA with about 100k inhabitants) and then there are parking spaces everywhere. Like atleast half to 2/3 of the land space is used for parking. And ofc most parking is planned so they can accomodate everyone which means they’re always atleast half empty.