Same, the only language Trump Co. speak is money, gotta hit em where it hurts.
Same, the only language Trump Co. speak is money, gotta hit em where it hurts.
He totally should agree to whatever, and just reneg on the deal once he gets what he wants. It’s what Trump would do anyways, fuck any actual “deal” you have with dishonorable people.
Nigel is the reason I got banned from Reddit. It was after he had that milkshake thrown at him and I made a joke about how someone should throw a spear at him instead and reddit didn’t like that.
Sergey should Google my balls
But I bet they will continue to work people to the bone as a point of pride…like I wonder what could be contributing to this problem.
That radiation isn’t going to harm you, let’s not get on that dumb train.
If he were a dictator Trump would love him
Yeah the current US government is an enemy to everyone right now, a cancer that needs to be excised.
CEO pay raise, company buys back stocks, record profits…but we gotta make layoffs and no more raises or overtime.
“just let me watch”
Those cars are crap anyways people should have stopped buying them for that reason alone years ago
Where do you get your reference points from? Social media? Movies? Shows? Or personal experience from walking in lots of downtowns? These statements just reek of not first-hand knowledge to me and just “oooh crime ridden OTHER places” Sure crime exists, but it’s the broad strokes that make me disregard statements like that. I’ve been to plenty of very safe downtowns in various corners of America, to say ANY US city is insane.
No, just old enough to realize speaking in platitudes makes people look like ignorant idiots
Which genocidal empire are you referencing here?
You’re preaching to the choir here on Lemmy
You first bitch
In all of Canada? Every city? All of Toronto and Vancouver? Wow I’m impressed that rape, murder and assault never happen there.
There have been zero eggs for a week now at my grocery store because of the bird flu soooo
It’s all they’re capable of
I’m an American and I appreciate your effort