All UK machines, phones, and servers should just remove all root certificates. Can’t trust encryption right?
Then they wouldn’t have to interact with any part of the encrypted internet.
All UK machines, phones, and servers should just remove all root certificates. Can’t trust encryption right?
Then they wouldn’t have to interact with any part of the encrypted internet.
My understanding is 32-bit PhysX games are broken.
64-bit compiled games are fine.
It’s not that seamless depending on the content you usually consume.
I feel like I keep seeing the same single livestream trying to sell me a phone charger, and then roughly the same 5 or 6 videos trying to sell me a specific product over and over again.
As long as I don’t report or say “I keep seeing this ad” it will show me the same ones so they are easy to skip.
Usually it’s something I started watching until I realized it was an ad, but because I started watching it one time it thinks I’m interested so it will continually show it to me.
Once you spot them they are easy to skip. (at least, until they get better at masking then and then it will get harder).
Pretty sure that’s the internet archive which takes snapshots of websites.
You’re looking at the website x.com waaaay back in 1997, where they said they aren’t nearly the worst website on the internet. As opposed to now, where it is a cesspool of toxicity.
No no they’re just milking them…
Oh yeah okay. Fuck Nestlé.
From Alberta but not working there anymore. Found out somewhat recently, specifically in regards to Software, APEGA lost their protection on the word Engineer. Again, specifically in regards to Software.
If the studio is already rather large and retains a number of employees then you’re either asking for them to divide into small teams and produce a bunch of projects in parallel (none of which will potentially sell well or be able to maintain the momentum the studio has with previous AAA title releases), or you’re essentially asking them to downsize into a smaller studio, laying off 80-90% of their workforce, to produce non-AAA titles again.
Those smaller projects now have smaller marketing budgets (1/10th each). Smaller marketing budget generally means less sales, unless something goes viral (0.1% of the time or less, so really you need 1000 projects not just 10). Not to mention price point is going to be at $20 or maybe $30.
Internally on each game you’ll need people to take up the roles of like art director, or whoever decides the look and feel of the art for the game. With AAA titles you used to have one of those (I assume), but now one person has to look after 10 projects, or other people have to step up (one for each project) to do that job. Should they get paid more? Now your smaller projects are costing more money.
It’s sort of like saying 9 women can make a baby in 1 month. We know that’s impossible. AAA studios are not structured around creating 10 smaller projects.
This might not be super useful if you don’t write code but I always found the contest submissions fun to read and try to figure out for the https://www.underhanded-c.org/ contest.
They break down and explain the runner up and finalist for each year and how the attack works. It’s usually something very subtle that most people wouldn’t catch.
That explains why I see coupons more and more. Ty.
On top of that they can import your wishlist from Steam. You can set a threshold / price on each game, and they will let you know anytime something is below that price.
You know what’s fascinating about that?
I’m pretty sure that every CD had the entire game and all the art assets for every town / place you could enter on the world map. Every enemy. All the music.
The only difference between each CD was the FMV cutscenes contained on them.
At least that was the story / rumor at the time. For optimization they could have reduced the art assets and music to only areas you could enter at that point in the game, and only enemy models you would see, but supposedly that wasn’t the case.
At best case 60 miles an hour… Your commute was more than 90 mins? Ugh. That’s awful.
You weren’t clear if that was round trip or not, so possibly more than 180 mins? How did you find time to sleep!?
Many years ago a friend said to me, while I was making my first WoW character for Burning Crusade, why would I want to watch a male character run around everywhere? I considered and agreed with that, and made a female character. Since then I’ve consistently made female characters.
They are always based on what I would consider attractive at the time. Which hasn’t changed much all things considered, but there are some variations.
You can find port crystals around the map or via quests. There are also some fixed ones on the map.
You can place them anywhere… Outside I think? But maybe just anywhere.
Once you find/place them you can use a Ferrystone while outside to travel to any one you have placed. There is almost always at least one Ferrystone for sale in each town, and it will refresh after a few days when you buy it. It will cost 10,000 gold.
The number of port crystals you can place are limited (in the first game it was 8 or 9?). You can find roughly 5 per playthrough iirc. You can NewGame+ as many times as you want once far enough in the main quest (retaining most items, equipment, all vocation levels and experience…i imagine any vocation master skills too; generally just the quests and the world reset). I’m still on my first playthrough so haven’t tried.
But there are no issues finding Port crystals and buying / finding Ferrystones. You DO NOT NEED MTX. That headline was so overblown.
Pretty sure I read about a study where they found people that smell bad are genetically close to you, like relatives and people you shouldn’t procreate with.
People who smell nice are genetically diverse.
I’ve had an Nvidia shield TV for like 6 years now. Very happy with it.
Oh. Huh. Okay no, just a fundamental misunderstanding as to what “read” means vs what “hide” means.
I just found the “Hide all read” button.
When I built my home server this is what I did with all VMs. Learned how to change the start up delay time in esxi and ensured everything came back online with no issues from a cold built.
Rip VMware.
I think I saw they said there is another update coming. Not sure how much actual content there is though. They specifically noted it’s not an expansion / DLC. Just an update.
Rogue had you start from scratch with a new character in a random map every time.
Rogue-like games initially meant you start from scratch in a new random world, but you incrementally improve your experience by small buffs you can buy, or changing your starting equipment / skills (sometimes by changing out which character you start as).
Rogue-like has slowly changed to mean “start over regularly but slowly unlock new items/buffs/equipment/characters/etc to help you further explore a world which may or may not be random”
So it applies to games like Risk of Rain (and 2), Balatro, Dead Cells, and Rogue Legacy, just to name a few examples (though 3 of those are 2d platformers with randomly generated worlds if I remember right…).
But yeah it seems to have morphed into a broadly used term for games where you get better over time through purchasing permanent buffs and whatnot (as well as natural skill), but are forced to restart any time you die.
Vampire Survivors and other similar style games have you constantly restarting when you die so I think the term fits as a partial descriptor.
Maybe we could adopt the idle/clicker game term Prestige, but that’s more of a voluntary restart when you hit a wall and can’t progress, so I don’t think it quite works.