He very clearly salutes, turns around, and salutes again. Twice in a row, enthusiastically and perfectly executed.
If you haven’t seen this, you didn’t watch the inauguration.
He very clearly salutes, turns around, and salutes again. Twice in a row, enthusiastically and perfectly executed.
If you haven’t seen this, you didn’t watch the inauguration.
I took a similar class almost 20 years ago, and it unquestionably kept me from at least 2 serious accidents, and potentially saved my life. I cannot recommend them enough to new drivers, it’s absolutely the most dangerous part of our daily lives.
And yeah, these mirror settings are the absolute best way to drive. It takes some getting used to, but there are absolutely no downsides to having a wider field of vision.
When adjusted like this, you can still easily see the side of your own car by moving your head slightly, which is trivial when backing up.
I learned about this in a driving class almost 20 years ago and never looked back (pun fully intended).
I don’t think you’re on the right track here. There are definitely existing laws in most states regarding ‘revenge porn’, creating sexual media of minors, Photoshop porn, all kinds of things that are very similar to ai generated deep fakes. In some cases ai deepfakes fall under existing laws, but often they don’t. Or, because of how the law is written, they exist in a legal grey area that will be argued in the courts for years.
Nowhere is anyone suggesting that making deepfakes should be prosecuted as rape, that’s just complete nonsense. The question is, where do new laws need to be written, or laws need to be updated to make sure ai porn is treated the same as other forms of illegal use of someone’s likeness to make porn.
We’re talking about memory recall, not mind control. Memories are fundamentally unreliable and are very easy to influence, intentionally or not.
Hypnotics regression absolutely 100% does not work. You’re creating false memories, which is incredibly easy to do. Human memory is very, very, very fallible. This nonsense is exactly what triggered the satanic panic in the 70s, where there was a sudden proliferation of stories of childhood ritual abuse all coming from this kind of hypnotic regression, and every single one turned out to be complete fabrications from the subjects being hypnotized.
Don’t know why the headline is so shitty, but the “mmo” seems to be a splatoon-like multiplayer game unrelated to pokemon.
Thank you for being one of the few people in this thread with any sense.
Respawn has made 2 incredibly good SW games, and EA doesn’t have exclusivity anymore. Seems like a silly complaint at this point.
The majority of the current ‘democrat’ party in the US are Neoliberals. Yeah it’s a right wing ideology, that’s the whole point of recognizing that even the ‘left wing’ here are still primarily conservatives.
Are you seriously complaining about requiring a signature? Why should weed paraphernalia be treated any differently to tobacco?
I think if someone looks good in photos but not on video, they probably just have a skilled photographer.
Well, I respect the consistency. I’m just glad they reeled it back after the shit with MH World. Having the character edit only available via outside purchase was fucked up, I was livid about that. It’s just hard for me to get worked up about this in comparison.
You’re a consumer in a capitalist society, you should absolutely have you guard up every single time you pull out your wallet. Why is this specific game any different?
The difficulty of getting ferrystones is by design, no different than the previous game. If you fast travel everywhere you’re missing out on a lot of the events in the world. They’re handy to use in certain situations, but there are other options to get around.
It can, but definitely doesn’t in this case. The systems in question in DD2 are identical to the first game. There’s nothing in the game at all that encourages you to spend money or alerts you that you can. Frankly I wouldn’t have even known these micro transactions existed if there wasn’t so much online drama about it.
So what games have you played in the last decade? This is the industry, you might as well complain about predatory concession prices at movie theaters. Is it shitty? Sure. But it’s a trap for the ignorant, and frankly I can only go so far to try to protect people from throwing away their money on stupid things.
I mean, I certainly haven’t noticed that. Even if you don’t like your character, you can still easily buy the item in game. I’ve only been playing about 5 hours and can easily afford to change my character appearance 5 times over.
That ship sailed over a decade ago. You can look at the current gaming landscape and pretend this isn’t already normalized. Compared to most AAA game releases, this is a step in the right direction.
Then you probably shouldn’t waste so much of other people’s time by claiming something didn’t happen if you haven’t even bothered to fucking check.