Factorio, it’s fun from the first minute but you’ll still be learning new things after 1000 hours.
Factorio, it’s fun from the first minute but you’ll still be learning new things after 1000 hours.
Give all of those things a try. None of them are “wrong”. Experiment and see what works best with the type of people you want to spend time with. Just don’t get discouraged if your success rate is low (some people just won’t be interested) and respect people’s decisions if they choose to ignore you.
No issues for me.
Device information
Sync version: v24.03.26-14:56
Sync flavor: googlePlay
Ultra user: false
View type: Smaller cards
Push enabled: false
Device: raven
Model: Google Pixel 6 Pro
Android: 14
Since it sounds like you are just getting into this, it may be helpful to know that Nintendo has confirmed that there will be a 2nd version of the device and it is likely to have full backwards compatibility (meaning it will play all of the games from version 1).
The release dates for this device are likely to be announced soon.
So if you can wait, you could either get the newest version or you could get the current version for a big discount.
2 x 10^34 for those people who like to use numbers to represent numbers in a sane way.
You should be able to select the version of the game that you want. Right click, manage,… ??? I forgot the rest but it’s fairly obvious from what I remember. You can just pick the most stable build of 1.## from the drop down.
They were very careful in how they worded the request. They are not asking for people to change their voting behavior, only to create a plan, and to make some public statements.
Obviously, the latter part is fine but the voting plan doesn’t require that someone actually change their behavior. They are definitely skirting the line, but I’m sure they had the help of a lawyer when they made this.
I think this is why they usually go after the people distributing the data for copywriter infringement, and not the people who use the data.
It may not be stealing, but it definitely is copywriter infringement.
I think all of your points were covered in the video, sometimes almost verbatim.
Market cap doesn’t say how much cash they have available. For that, look at cash on hand which publicaly traded companies need to report
MS has about 75B cash on hand, so they could afford this themselves. They will probably argue that it will bring jobs and expertise to the state. Also, it’s a loan, so the interest will generate funding for the state as well. nevermind, not a loan from the state, so no interest would go to the state.
The question is moot from both sides of the deal, but understanding why is important.
For something like a game, you will only ever pay approximately what you think a game is “worth”. How you determine that value is entirely up to you and should be based on your own opinions and beliefs. Therefore, if you derive value from supporting niche developers, that’s great for you and you should continue to do so as you wish. If you don’t value that quite as much, then wait for a sale price that does.
Your individual decisions will not affect the decisions of publishers and developers.
Their decisions will take into account the total profit that they think a game can provide over its lifetime. This is determined by the initial price and sales as well as future discount prices and sales. The way they estimate the potential profit of a new project is based on past data. If they see most of their sales at launch time, they will price the game accordingly. If they see more revenue over time from sales, then they will price the game accordingly. As long as they continue to hit those goals, then they will continue making products for those audiences.
Therefore, the best way to support the projects you like is to buy the game when the price justifies the value to you. That is buy it whenever you want. The only way to not support (I am purposefully avoiding the word hurt) the publisher and developer is to pirate the games.
You should see an increase, but likely small. Since the end point increased and since the curve only increases between upgrades, that means that all points before the end point must also increase. However, most of the benefit is now granted in the first half of the upgrades possible, so at your level the increase per level will be smaller than it was before.
There are a few games that you might miss out on with this method. Some devs (it’s not many) list their games at what they think is a fair forever price and will not ever offer the game at a reduced price. Again, this isn’t a lot of devs, but one notable one is Wube, makers of Factorio.
I generally agree with your method, mostly because I have a large enough backlog to be able to wait for sales, but it is also worth doing research on some devs to see if a sale will ever happen.
The section with the burning buildings and the big guy in the middle of the court yard just past the shallow water?
If that’s the section you mean, then you can safely come back after progressing the main line a little more. Getting the axe and the beating the guy on the horse are good pre-requisites. That will align the difficulty to be more consistent with the main line path.
Is it similar to rimworld then?
Thanks, songs of syx looks interesting, what are your thoughts?
Just to clarify, other than the naming, those games aren’t related, right?
It is a loosing battle to try to make sense of the nonsensical. Only use their craziness as a source of humor and entertainment.
I think in their crazy world, the north pole is at the center of the earth disk and Antarctica is actually an ice wall around the perimeter that keeps the water on the disk. Therefore, Africa and Australia are on opposite sides of the disk (like left-right not heads-tails) or are near the out perimeter and no one would build a cable going across that long of a distance.
If that makes your brain hurt because of the stupidity, that’s because it is. Flat earthers are only good as the target of a joke because we can all agree that it’s stupid. There are some entertaining videos on YouTube of people making fun of them, or of themselves proving themselves wrong.
A law firm capable of handling such a suit would probably bill at a rate of $2000/hr, or more.
If your numbers are right, then they could afford to pay for 20 hours of work. That’s probably not enough to even file the suit. Again, this assumes your numbers are right but even if they were 10x this it may still not make sense to file a suit.
Unfortunately, I don’t think the math works out in their favor.