Bertrand "call me Butt"•what would you put in space to break the scientists?
1 month agoRussell’s Teapot.
Russell’s Teapot.
The same way Apple, Microsoft and Adobe etal did, steal ideas from others and refine it, as Bill Gates himself noted.
V2G and V2H is here, so you’ll be able to store there and draw down overnight in a suitable ecar.
A large pumped hydro in Qld has been cancelled by the new Lib government, so won’t be able to store it there. Snowy Hydro pumped storage is way behind schedule and locally Redflow went backrupt, so huge Zinc Flow storage batteries arent available to rollout to store excess energy and Lithuim is a shitty choice for large grid batteries.
Because it worked to get them where they are… So they keep doing it. Ostensibly Germany’s not sending Taurus precisely because of this.
Of course he’s Australian, we gave the world Ruoert “the turd” Murdoch as well.