So true. IP only helps the corps and slows tech development. Contracts, ndas, and trade secrets are all you really need to keep your ideas safe. If you want your country to develop fast, get rid of any IP laws.
So true. IP only helps the corps and slows tech development. Contracts, ndas, and trade secrets are all you really need to keep your ideas safe. If you want your country to develop fast, get rid of any IP laws.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
Don’t forget with a signicant pay bump
You got it. If this person committed fraud they owe damages to the victims of the fraud, not the government. If the government spills this persons blood on the street, what do you get? The only thing that happens is that the punishment for fraud is now death. Do you honestly believe it will stop here? What about the fraudster that commits $100 million worth of fraud? Should they be executed too? What about $10,000? When you apply capital punishment to civil crimes, the application can only ever be arbitrary and unjust.
Justice is supposed to make the victims whole. Calling for execution for financial crimes helps no one and gives the ruling class, the state or government, more precedent to do it to others.
It doesn’t act as a deterant. Many studies back this up. Your confidance is mispleced and simply reflects your violent personality.
If they’re willing to not kill this person, then don’t, she’s no use to anyone dead. Confiscate everything she has, and garnish all her future earnings. How can she pay her debt if they kill her?
Gimp, krita, inkscape, scribus covers my needs well
Why cant you afford it? Didn’t you think about how you were going to pay it back when you signed the papers agreeing that you would pay it back?
American government actually makes more demands on their citizens. Street level China is still very laissez-faire in most cities.
Here, you’ll probably like this book:
What went wrong with the Soviet Union?
It’d be messed up for the government to do this even if he wasn’t a billionaire though. End corporations in bed with government.
Air pollution is about protecting an individuals property, not the air itself: lungs, orchards, fields, etc. Air is simply how the property damage was delivered. So, no one owns the air, but property damage dealt through the air should be pursued in court, like any other property damage.
And let’s not kid ourselves that the government has real incentive to reduce pollution. Overnight, someone like Trump gets put in charge and happily encourages the poisoning of the environment and individuals can’t sue in court, because the government said it was ok to pollute.
Pollution is a property rights issue, don’t need anything beyond private property rights and a court system to cover that. Price fixing is caused by government created barriers to entry, artificially restricting competition. In other words, price fixing is a problem caused by government overreach, so obviously government isn’t the solution.
I don’t disagree, I just hope people of different views can come together and see that decentralizing the power structure might be worth considering if you don’t like the amount of power we handed one man. That means cutting the federal government and moving those programs to local government, private charities, or the bin.
Open your eyes. Corporations already heavily influence policy. Stop making that possible by decentralizing the power!
Read the comments and note the downvotes, sir. I’m definitely in the minority here. Therefore I would dare suggest it is in fact you who are the thoughtless parrot here. Governments are corrupt and incompetant organizations, and the bigger they become, the more corrupt and incompetant they are. If you truly are concerned that a single man can wreck such damage, you need to understand that is only possible because people like you have built up an organization that holds far too much power. The obvious solution is to shrink the scope of that organization so that a single maniac can’t do so much damage.
Big government is to blame for Trump having so much power. Learn, or be doomed to see history repeat itself.
Sometimes you’re just passionate about something and want to share it. Maybe they were passionate about that specific setting. Ever hear of fan fiction? Luckily, you can’t really take things down once they’re online. They can always be found, the more popular the easier it is to find.