I always think of Kramer saying he faked orgasms, LOL. 🤣
I always think of Kramer saying he faked orgasms, LOL. 🤣
Came here to say this. I wish other browsers would catch up to Firefox and add this feature for when I have to use them (esp. Chrome/Edge).
Not that benchmarks matter a whole lot these days, but I think for some benchmarks it was faster than Chrome. It’s close enough to not even be a factor, in any case.
Also, it has a feature that Chrome seemingly has no analogue for, and that is: containers.
I never entirely stopped using Firefox. I still use Chrome alongside Firefox for certain things at work.
Thanks again for all the info. Two of my monitors are years old, two of them I bought in the past few months (all are Dell). The nice thing is that a years-old 1070 will work with all 4 - even if refresh rate and resolution is not necessarily up to snuff for something like games, for the everyday stuff they are just fine.
I have to look at the specs, but I’m not sure any of mine support daisy chaining.
All good info. I should have clarified and said I’m trying to figure out what hub(s) (and software?) to use to drive 4 external monitors. The monitors I already own and have them situated for another computer; I have the Macbook driving two of them, but I’m not sure how the best option to add the other two to the Macbook…
Depending on what you have a taste for, I seem to remember seeing this in Emacs:
Did they back out of their police associations?
I’m thinking there are going to be very interesting developments in the years to come. So many things that were considered immutable constants about life may change.
How about slapping something gun-related on it, like that Black Rifle company?
Remember that absolutely fucking stupid ad Ajit made about using the net? Awful.
All the ones that have stayed have told everyone exactly what their real priorities are.
Typing search terms into Google does not an argument make. Neither does calling people lazy.
“Cancel culture” is not really a thing.
How were they “cancelled”, though? Do awful people have a right to gobs of money and attention and a platform? If I get fired from my job for bad behavior, does that mean it’s not being fired, but “cancelled”?
By the way, nearly all the people that are supposedly “cancelled” still seem to have careers.
“Cancel culture” is just a big myth from the right.
Really? How? Who has been “cancelled”? What happened to them?
use cancel culture against somebody they disagree
LOL. Is “cancel culture” even a thing?
Yes, this is a trend I’ve been commenting on for…well it seems like a very long time.
It’s clearly enshittification in nearly every single case; the more clueless johnny-come-lately tech-trendsters want to label me as just being old-fashioned or something when I bring it up. Trying to explain to them what is going on is usually a pointless exercise, as they have been steeped in a new==better mindset that is nearly ironclad and since they didn’t use reason to get themselves into that position, but instead, emotion, trying to reason them out of it is not going to happen…
Call it what is is: GREEDFLATION.
What is ironic about this is that Bezos could probably make all of their video streaming free and have no ads and still be making gobs of money. Their AWS ecosystem is practically a license to print money. Oh and that little store he runs on the side, too…
I’d say we crossed the Rubicon on this front decades ago, when in-person, at the theater, movies started showing actual ads and not just trailers before the movie you just paid for (and it was at the same price, of course).
I remember the first time I experienced this in a theater. My GF was like “…the hell?” and people were fucking booing the ads. But it didn’t matter enough - the ads are still here.
And yeah, it still annoys me.
…and a lot that are not that independent. I never stopped using RSS. It’s only because it’s not so easily monetized that it’s not more widely known, I bet.