They definitely don’t I work with 21 years olds fresh out of college that have no idea how to navigate file systems they are fine on iPads or phones but clueless on an actual computer.
Copy and paste is restricted to keyboard commands last time I tried plus if I’m managing an IT department I want near certainty that O365 or GSUITE will work with every update and patch Chrome and Edge basically guarantee that while Firefox’s development team lack the ability to see future changes to the software and have less motivation to do so as it’s not their product.
Cowboy you get to live a normal life in modern times compared to the other two. A modern day pirate is a shitty 3rd world existence and a samurai means being in Japan. I’ll take Cowboy with a loving wife and kids raising cattle and in the evenings getting to stream 4K content with Starlink on my OLED tv eating amazing BBQ anyday.
I’m really hoping this doesn’t make it into Brave their teams has removed a lot of Google crap in the past. Mullvad’s fork of Firefox can always replace them.
It’s an experience everyone should have I did NYC to London and flew back from Paris on Air France. I really hope they make a comeback.
This is awesome so many uses I never even considered.
I have it blocked in NextDNS haven’t seen any issues in 4 years without it. Blocking has definitely caused issues especially with IOT devices.
It’s probably NTP a lot of banking apps have extra protections and if it can’t determine the time from its own trusted authority it may not allow the connection.
Any system has to give a group of people some authority to keep order the crazies will eventually work their way in and ruin it.
I do like there software tracker though it’s nice to be able to see the latest version and changes etc.
Capitalism could be amazing if the psychos of society didn’t constantly rise to the top then again the same could be said for communism and just about every other system we’ve tried.
I worked at a UPS warehouse during a summer break in college no AC or water fountains every old guy had multiple two liters by them it was insane.
Yeah but it’s a 50/50 gamble that Apple Pay and FaceID will still work if the phone doesn’t recognize it as a legitimate component. I had it done at an Apple Store and they couldn’t figure it out.
I tried that and lost the ability to use Apple Pay. Plus I miss the old days of carrying two or three batteries and being able to hotswap them when needed.
I’ve seen guys who finish two or three off in an hour at work.
I struggled with this for awhile my solution was literally to go hungry I might skip one or two meals but eventually the hunger pains will beat away the laziness and make it a higher priority. Once I felt the pain enough I got a positive hit from cooking I didn’t get before.
It’s just common sense I’ve replaced so many iPhones due to a bad battery if I could pop a new one in I’d probably still have my 8 Plus.
I applaud him it’s was insanely generous at the time. Outdated for most of todays work but a 4 day type work week etc wouldn’t have even been thought possible at the time.
Too bad the applications were written on COBOL while I was in high school (Some sarcasm). Even to enter my time I have to use the old school IE browser because Edge can’t render the site properly and it has to be virtualized because windows 10 can’t launch it correctly once something works corporations are slow to change we’d have to get new apps made tested and then internally reviewed then issue new devices and see pushback from older employees who always sabotage new device and software launches. There’s a woman still working on a Windows 98 machine that has to be air-gapped and manually brought emails and files by hand because she threatens to quite if she is forced to update (She does have an obscure PHD and makes the company tons of money with her analysis work so they appease her)