Fuuuuuccckkkkk. This sounds pretty significant… maybe it’s not and they’ve done this before but it sounds significant
Fuuuuuccckkkkk. This sounds pretty significant… maybe it’s not and they’ve done this before but it sounds significant
Good recipe thanks 😊
Game changer! Excellent thanks
Thanks… not even the onions?
I’ve toyed with this… what lentil and beans do you make? And do you have too start it in the pan?
I make that sometimes! It’s good stuff
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
The great thing about going away is you always have the memory
Wow you really get a sense of how big and wild it is. Do you remember the trip?
Yes and it’s higher quality content, reddit us pages of pure shit
Haha yep that’s on the list
I’m one of them heeeeyyyy
Off topic but your name is amazing
I don’t drink but if I did I’d never drink at a work social. I leave work socials early to avoid any drunkenness because there are 535356 ways it can go wrong.
Ain’t that the truth
Great, thanks 😊
Ah of course drying must help!
Yep, sadly effort is needed 😔
Excellent tip thanks!
Then to add insult to injury, a black FEMALE presidential candidate. Double whammy