“It’s Raining Tacos” would work.
The song is not public domain though.
“It’s Raining Tacos” would work.
The song is not public domain though.
Just to be clear I don’t want to own and run a Taco Truck, I just heard the Ice Cream Truck and wished it was a Taco Truck.
Seems like missed opportunity to me, though.
I stopped being excited for the Ice Cream Truck decades ago, but if I heard the Taco Truck coming around I’d be super excited and run outside with a big grin.
The answer to your question is right in your question.
Cold, hard logic no longer applies. Reality is manufactured now. Pointing out a logical fallacy doesn’t change anyone’s mind if that logic doesn’t coincide with their ideology.
Blaster Master on NES. I was so addicted. And then I got the NES Advantage controller and it was just pure Blaster Master bliss.
More Trevor Noah please.
Yup. RIF stopped working. Reddit’s official app was a turd sandwich.
I want to say I left Reddit in solidarity with the users and mods at the time, but in reality the Reddit app was just so very, very inconvenient that I tried Lemmy.
Is it good? Like does it actually taste like steak? Economical to produce? Is it better for the economy and the environment, Hell yes, then.
Imagine a perfectly marbled, perfectly rectangular, gristle free Wagyu quality steak that you could sear in some butter in a cast iron and serve right up.
No animal had to be raised and slaughtered. Less drain on resources. Less land usage.
I’m not convinced that the technology will ever get there, but what do I know. I’m just some dude on the internet.
Your physical phone hardware belongs to you.
The Android operating system is licensed for your use as Free and Open Source Software.
All the other Google bits and blobs are licensed to you by Google.
Some days I’m not even sure if I own the shoes on my feet or if they’re just licensed to me.
The Philips Respironics nasal pillow works fantastic for me! Everyone is a little different though.
Three things:
Yup! CPAP. Fix your sleep and you’ll feel awake during the day.
I don’t feel sleepy in the afternoon anymore. I sleep and night and stay awake during the day.
Yes. I have a buddy who is this person. I’m not kidding.
He is a big Star Trek fan, but he is also literally the only T.J. Hooker fan that I’ve ever met, and he was a T.J. Hooker fan before he was a Star Trek fan. (It’s worth noting we’re both in our late 40s.)
Coming across this randomly on a Wednesday evening renews my faith in The Internet. I was starting to think the whole thing was a bad idea. Thank you!
It just finally cooled off where I live. I can spend more than 15 minutes outside without sweating.
I’m so happy. I call it Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. The first day around May that it hits 90⁰ outside I’m depressed until late October.
Absolutely love winter. It’s my favorite time of the year. I like being inside when it’s cold and dark out. I like not sweating. Feels good man.
Absolutely detest switching back and forth between standard and DST. What a load of crap. Just pick one and be done with it.
My absolute favorite Rhys Darby appearance is X-Files Season 10 Episode 3, “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster”
Consider me excited.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
My kid’s school just implemented an app-based pickup process this year.
You have to download an app and register your phone and email and child, then when you get in the line to pickup your child you have to press a button in the app.
I literally cannot retrieve my child from school without a smartphone.
Well my house is an Animahouse and can do that whenever it wants.
That song would work! Now to convince all the Taco Trucks to play the same song so we know when they’re around the corner.