Oh man I wish I’d been old enough to appreciate old assassin’s creed multiplayer before it died. I remember seeing my brother play it but I was like 10 at the time and more interested in cod lmao
Oh man I wish I’d been old enough to appreciate old assassin’s creed multiplayer before it died. I remember seeing my brother play it but I was like 10 at the time and more interested in cod lmao
I don’t care what people have to say about apple
More speed is more heat is more battery wear
Why is making it an option with the default set to off worse than what they have now (slow charging with no option)?
I know Samsung and pixel both have this option, and I would be surprised if other major manufacturers didn’t. While people have their grievances with them, I’ve never heard anyone complain about overall battery lifetime.
If that is an actual concern people have then they can just turn it off by default
Ok so make it an option
Any Debian/Ubuntu or fedora based distro will do you fine. I personally ran PopOS when I built my computer earlier this year and didn’t have any issues with it
Thank santa I’m not the only one
I set mine up with duckdns and caddy. In duckdns set the ip address to your machines local address. If memory serves, there’s a section in the vaultwarden wiki about using caddy with duckdns
Never post this picture again please and thank you
Call of duty black ops 3. Most of that time was spent in custom zombies maps, but the third party client that cleans up the cheater problem that plagues every old cod let me enjoy some occasional multiplayer, which despite being apart of the infamous jetpack era, I actually quite enjoy
When I saw it the first time, before I understood how it worked, I thought “surely this is just for long-term storage purposes and I would need to bleed some pressure if I wanted to drive on it”
At this point we don’t even need native ports. Developers can just make a windows version and we can play it with proton
I did reinstall my os (and hop over to arch while I was at it) because I had a bug with Forza that made it crash on login.
It didn’t help (I think it was a bug with the save file) but at least I can say I installed arch the hard way
Me when someone says something benign and I get hostile about it
It must be a nice life that wishing for something to be true makes it so, regardless of reality
I’m pretty bad at estimating anything, but those are 5 large glasses (albeit not fully filled), surely he’s at least approaching a gallon, if not more?
If only there was some way you could make it less loud? Oh well
I mean it wasn’t great, but it was okay, and considering that it was free to play I think it was a decent competitor to cod
You’ve basically outlined everything people hate about modern assassin’s creed. It’s generally accepted that the last good ac was origins which came out in 2017, and while I do enjoy it, it was the start of ac becoming the generic open-world cookie-cutter rpg that it is today.
As cool as the upcoming game sounds, being set in Japan which people have been wanting for a very long time, and as much as I want to enjoy every ac game, the past few releases have just been chipping away my hope at getting something good