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Joined 13 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025

  • Is it though?

    ZACHARY, La. (BRPROUD) – The Zachary Police Department says they arrested a former student after Zachary High School was tagged with graffiti.

    Police say that Shyron White was arrested at his home in Livingston Parish for drawing a triangle with a symbol in it on the exterior doors. Graffiti was found in several locations around the building, and police were alerted on Tuesday.

    “It’s always important to not damage someone else’s property. It costs money and time to, you know, to actually fix,” Zachary Police Department Chief Daryl Lawrence said. “And then you’ll have people like us out looking for you.”

    Lawrence said an incident like this is not common for the Zachary community. White is booked in the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, charged with terrorism, criminal damage to property, aggravated assault and criminal trespassing.

    This is the Orwellian shit you’re advocating when you start classifying vandalism as terrorism.

  • As George Carlin once said, “you don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.”

    The Heritage Foundation and the GOP have no love for Putin and he has no love for them. They all just want the same thing in regards to the EU and NATO, but they all want it for different reasons.

    Trump is too stupid to be part of a major international conspiracy. He’s a useful idiot who thinks he can financially benefit from all this chaos, and that’s as deep as his thought process goes. Heritage wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give the US more leverage on the world stage, and because western Europe is a Godless Liberal society where religion is dwindling and brown people are moving in. Putin wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give Russia more leverage and make it easier to expand his borders and rebuild his glorious Russian Empire.

  • I remember many years ago, there were two little girls that went missing about the same time. One was white, the other black. The little white girl just got lost and was found pretty quickly, and her story dominated the news for weeks. Meanwhile, the little black girl (I think it was in West Virginia) had been kidnapped by a sadistic couple who abused and tortured her until one night she chewed through her bindings, escaped, and trekked through the forest for days before finding help. She barely got a “missing girl found” blurb on the news. The fact that she barely got any news coverage actually became a bigger story later on than her actual kidnapping did at the time. It was infuriating.

    Don’t even get me started on the missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) phenomenon that not only gets next to zero media coverage, but also a severe lack of law enforcement attention.

  • Slightly off topic, but I wish I had the patience to learn how to make these videos. I’ve got some songs I’d love to make videos for, but I get so frustrated with the tedium of using AI tools. Granted, I’ve only ever used SD-Forge, ComfyUI, and the like. I’m not stupid, I just have a hard time staying focused.

    Maybe a long shot, but anyone know where I can collaborate with someone to do this?