I love this so much. Thank you!
They’ve already replaced the hardware. The article shows a Palm Pilot emulator running on an iPad now.
The server it talks to was probably always some type of Linux box.
I found Siri suggestions to be such a pain I gave up on them and just swipe down for control center, tap home and use those buttons.
Time will tell. Wait 12 months then let’s see the membership and profits reported.
Based? Are you saying I’m biased? I’d be happy to discuss
I haven’t tried it yet, but with past Betas, I usually would not head into them at this point, too much risk it would have work-day impacting bugs but if it’s stable maybe I’ll give it a try. I really want to try WatchOS and you can’t do that without iOS
Sure. It’s art just like many digital tool assisted products came before it. Is it always difficult art to make ? No but who cares. It’s OC as long as the source of this AI art is the person posting.
I’ve found you can just add “ reddit” to a query and get the same result. I believe - but I’m trying to not do that. Haven’t browser Reddit in 2 weeks. Lemmy is good enough at the moment.
Quitting (anything) has a lot to do with you as a person. Some people can just do it cold turkey - they just have to try, others it’s a battle, but it is always better to start the journey, you’re worth it.
This is the correct answer. No need to “worry” about canceling first. Apple does a pretty solid job of not making it possible to make a mistake like this be your problem.
In American culture it’s all too common that personal time and vacation is undervalued or discouraged. For this reason when someone else is taking time off, or discussing taking time away from work for personal reasons I am very supportive. When someone returns this to me, I feel very respected and it usually makes me have a wonderful day.
I’ve found 1Password to be head and shoulders above the other alternatives. I’ve been with them for over 12 years, never been let down.
I’ve run my own business in the US for 16 years. Until recently I pay about $2000/mo for a family of 4. (Wife and I are in our early 40’s, kids are under 10). Recently my wife got new employment and it means we can insure the family with similar (slightly better coverage, (great coverage)) for less than half this amount.
Thing is, finding great moderators (free dedicated and skilled labor) is not easy. Many people will take on the opportunity but many of them will give up in 7 days. It’s a chore, and a thankless one.
I noticed I think just yesterday that r/pics was going full NSFW (tag) but didn’t see any nudity in posts.
Got you bud.
This is the right answer but the frustration is so palpable at this point it doesn’t become the perspective often enough.
I think I used prodigy’s Usenet reader to post questions in the mortal kombat group. People used to make up fake fatality combo codes that I would try for hours!
This seems like a very bad idea. I’m concerned that having a test might cause people to suspend their critical thinking responsibility and may have other issues like being inaccurate or causing deep fake tech to just leap frog over it - and then be able to benefit from fake authenticity measurements.