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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • not an authentik user, but after skimming their docs i think you have to:

    1. create a role “ocisAdmin” via authentiks admin interface
    2. give this role to a group in the admin interface or create one.
    3. assign a user thats supposed to be an owncloud admin to the group

    it might be that you also have to define somekind of mapper to include this in the informations owncloud receives from authentik, but as i said i only skimmed the docs and would personally just try it without the mapper.

  • The Flashpoint Launcher (FPL) is a desktop application made for browsing, storing and launching other applications (games, animations, web apps etc.). It is specifically made for Flashpoint Archive, a non-profit with the goal of furthering archival and accessibility efforts for games, animations and other digital interactive experiences on the web.

    Flashpoint Archive seems to be a collection of mostly flash media content (think games on newgrounds or kongregate in the 2000s up to the death of flash)

    for any one else wondering what this is.

    I’ll have to take a look if i cand find that zombie wave defense game i used to play during compsci classes or the one about shooting a hamster into space.

  • i know story points as an estimate of complexity or time it takes to get something done. i was also asked many times to estimate stories with a fixed hard deadline thats laughably close to LocalDateTime.now(), aka Stories where someone allready decided that this must be an easy thing to do without knowing jackshit.

    what are the story points you are talking about?

  • “logs show a reoccuring error in layer 8 everytime a subset of users engages with the system, reassigning this to the service desk to gather more information.”

    i’ve read that on real ticket, i’ve laughed about it. it also makes me glad that i don’t do customer support, i don’t have the patience to keep explaining the same people that they keep doing something wrong and i lack the diplomacy skills to engage with devs that believe to be infallible and pretend that bug reports are personal insults against them.

  • Keeping focus for a whole movie can be tough yeah.

    it works way better if i’ve taken my meds( huge suprise, i know :D) and even better in a cinema opposed to watching on tv or phone, i guess the big screen and proper sound system are just more engaging and there is less distraction.

    If i watch a movie at home i often do it by watching it in like 30 minute episodes, because otherwise i end up rewinding multiple times anyway and that’s frustrating, so i rather take a break from it if my brain won’t cooperate.

  • because no one follows the damn guide and “scrum” is done so managers can claim the company can work “agile”, because customers dont want “not agile”, customers also dont want to participate in the way it would be necessary for a project thats supposed to follow the scrum guide. that also sounded good for people looking for a new job so hr wants to put that into job descriptions and now everything is scrum and agile and i still have to sneak in refactorings or have to fight to get time to work on our fricking ci pipeline or need to conspire with QA to get them time to work on test automation, because screw the notion that decisions should be done by the people doing the work.

    screw “scrum”, and the word “agile” should never have been taught to anyone claiming to be a “manager”, we don’t need managers we need people helping us getting the tools we need and trust that what we do, we do to deliver better solutions and helping us to fascilate constructive exchanges with customers.