Well i dont any more. But yea it was a fun bussines venture, comming up with the various chemichal proceses.
Well i dont any more. But yea it was a fun bussines venture, comming up with the various chemichal proceses.
Not necessarly. Maybe the house has something the car does not that is preventing the windows from working.
Money wise I once ran a speed lab and lost a couple grand on it after my associate chikened out because his half brother got whacked. But it was fun.
Overall. I studied for an acounting tecnician in my teenage years. Thats what i regret the most in my life. No human being should go through that. One of the reasons i dont have a college degree is tgat after going through that i sworeupon my soul and upon the mass that i would never again go through anything similar.
The country of whales 🐳
I agree with your second point. But it would seem that normaly the languages that are spoken primarily by people that learnned them as second languages would become more simplified.
For example english speakers say ate instead of eated wich would be the logical choice. If enough peaole learn it as a second language so that it becomes eated then the language becomes simpler.
And then tend to become complicated again as the speakers develop ideosincracies. But if there is a mechanism preventing this, for example its spoken over a wide area so the ideosyncracies never stick. Or the speakers are constantly interacting with forengers or both. Then the languaged gramar would remainsimple.
Persian gramar is much easier to learn than russian or spanish. And i asume chinise is likewise easier.
Man you are making me feel like im stealing drug war veteran value. We only operated for a few months and sold mainly to fishermen and sailormen.