They don’t like people saying the quiet part loud.
Sounds insensitive alright and I’m not American.
Run by and voted for by.
If you haven’t tried Linux, for many people it’s a great option. I’ll keep my regrettable Apple purchase until it doesn’t work anymore and then go back to Linux.
And Trudeau had the neck to say that Canada isn’t institutionally racist.
That U2 album that was included free with peoples iPhones that time.
“Táim ag fáil bás anseo. Cabhair mé.”
Thanks for the reminder to start journaling again. It’s something I used to do after meditation rather than in general. Those were worth rereading as they were generally healthier and more evocative of a healthier state.
I don’t journal other stuff since they never really had that quality.
Christopher Walken is so good in Weapon of Choice that he made me like the song
I’ve never heard that before! Where I live, at christmas a hamper contains assorted food and drinks.
I started sending a hamper to each household instead with a card for the family. Cheaper and saves a load of time.
Who is asking? I would need to know that before completing any survey.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Every time there was an experiential experiment in the book, I put it down and tried it for myself. I possibly changed more over the course of reading that book than at any other period in my life.
Thanks. I’m interested in Survival International and Charity Navigator is the only one mentioned in the comments that includes them (so far).
And those charities around me work on local issues, whereas I want to support the less privileged
Or, Meta passes data to US gov but not Russian gov.
Does that third also take into account any differences in manufacturing them? In other words, the entire lifecycle.