Before: High RPM, average 89C (192,2F), low to no boost clock
After: Low fan RPM and therefore low noise, average 83C (181,4F), Boost clock with an average of about 2Ghz
Before: High RPM, average 89C (192,2F), low to no boost clock
After: Low fan RPM and therefore low noise, average 83C (181,4F), Boost clock with an average of about 2Ghz
Well, then you are lost!
No weed = No Texas for me
Can’t wait for weed to become the new normal
Oof, my condolences. Hope you get everything sorted out o7
You should review bomb that asshat
Hexahydrocannabinol Is also very effective and, in Germany at least, legal!
Ribworld 4 the win
Guess your ability is to disappear
While movies and such aren’t the primary purpose of piracy anymore, games and software are our shining beacons today
Whaaaat… the more you know
I have a feeling you could answer this question in a few seconds, yet you respond with this.
A problem, maybe, but a great and awesome problem! One that will last a lifetime.
Truer words have never been spoken
cries in RimWorld on Randy
Also very true!
While that’s true, it’s generally much more widespread in the great red, white and blue country of the world.
Got it! Thanks!
The Megapixel “argument” is also laughable. Like you said, casuals can’t know the difference.
The instructions stated to apply the LM to both the die and the cooler surface so that the two surfaces basically merge when you remount the cooler.
Temps are fine, so I assume there aren’t any air pockets