Canada Eh! 🍁
What software is the dashboard in? I’ve seen similar ones here before but not sure what people are using to see it all at a glance like that.
Appreciate your take on this and specifically mentioning that you have a VM for Home Assistant. That was a lightbulb moment for me as I like how easy it is to manage updates as an OS install rather than in a Docker container. If I ever get around to rebuilding my server architecture I’m definitely going to do this!
😂 Legendary status updates!
Keep us posted. We must know what happens over the next three days!
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted (or at least mixed votes) for this. I appreciate you bringing diversity of thought to the argument and doing it in a constructive way. This is how we get the best possible outcome: by hearing, and actually contemplating, viewpoints different than our own.
Awesome. Thanks for the tip !
You. I like you.
Honestly amazing setup. It’s more robust than some industrial applications I’ve seen.
Thanks for such a great write-up. I’ll definitely be referring back to it as I upgrade my homelab.