An excellent proof of concept.
An excellent proof of concept.
If you use a DAC, I can recommend Strawberry for the USB to DAC support.
Were there many spec-taters?
The Modi empire will take the view that if Israel can do it…
There are so many whistles blowing at any time, but largely ignored by leaders. If this doctor can be heard, then all the better. Either way, let’s force our elected officials to do something.
Selective righteousness
“Stupid man paints himself into a corner” .
There will be a war crimes investigation at some point.
“Quick, we’ll find more like him hiding in hospital beds in Gaza!, what does it matter if a few thousand innocents are caught up in our righteous war of terror?” (Sarcasm).
5 dead quickly. Many many more soon as a result of being denied a hospital.
The worlds most populous democracy AND STILL the current government uses such BS public messaging to stifle the issue. Led by a wolf in sheep’s clothing (Modi), supported by ultranationalism groups. The India of principles is dying.
If only we could get that from our elected leaders.
We need to move from accusations to independently verifying genocide amongst other war crimes. Noting that many war crimes because of the same in Nazi Germany.
So… If someone did it the old fashioned way by telephone from a public phone, or sent out a letter, or shared leaflets, would we be looking at disconnecting public phones, stopping the postal service and banning home printers?
Such heroes! Using only vastly superior weapons and tech, they overcame steep military odds and took a hospital. … (Sarcasm plus tears)
The current Indian leadership is somewhat leading democracy towards the path of dictatorship style.
The condoning of blowing up hospitals for hosting Hames is a very short step away from condoning the attack on the twin towers. Both are heinous and ugly offences irrespective of the “tactical” arguments.
I am not aligned to Cameron’s politics, but support the Ukrainian effort on principle. Unfortunately, the same principles don’t seem to apply to the significantly greater atrocities in Palestine.
FFS! ! Sure, why not? All those bedridden people, the maimed, the elderly, the febrile and others will just miraculously get up and walk away from their place of care.
Its the Hi-res direct output to your DAC. Its under Settings - Backend. It’s Clementine reworked to allow this. If you don’t use a DAC in your setup, there is no real advantage.