What the fuck? What kind of simp would call the person they are allegedly dumping for an asshole?
All I said was that just because we hate him doesn’t make news about him “spam”.
What the fuck? What kind of simp would call the person they are allegedly dumping for an asshole?
All I said was that just because we hate him doesn’t make news about him “spam”.
So you think Musk ordering Twitter to engage in legal identity theft and selling user accounts like a hacker would is somehow a good look?
The only spam I see are the comments like this underneath every post referring to the one richest douche-bros on the planet. We get it. You hate the dude, but like it or not what he does has actual ramifications on real people and corporations. That makes him and his actions newsworthy… Screaming on Lemmy about how you’d like to be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand till he goes away isn’t gonna change that fact.
Unfortunately the US government already took note ages ago. Cross-Industry and general strikes are illegal in the USA… This kinda thing can’t happen here.
Not just that, but they get to charge $100 dollars more for the $5 of ROM while avoiding the support costs and reputation hit of idiots who force the SD card in the wrong way or blaming the device when the SD card is inevitably sheered in half after being forgotten about during a battery replacement.
Unfortunately every market incentive just aligns against expandable storage in phones.
Personalities of models. Lol, that is some niche market my dude. Never watched a porn a said to myself “wow, I really like her personality”. It’s just smut to beat my meat to, nothing more, nothing less.
That’s the thing though paid porn is niche to begin with, and for people that pay for it there are three groups. Group 1 that cares about production quality, group 2 that has some hyper-niche fetish, and group 3 that wants more than just something to best their meat to, they are looking for a sexual parasocial relationship.
Your future of ai porn of anything and everyone could only address group 2. Group 1 will take quite some time before they are satisfied with generated porn (it would need to be indistinguishable from real 4k porn with high production values.) and group 3 would require the computational power to render it in real time with both a believable personality and high quality graphics.
Ah yes the widespread political message that was “me and the boys out at 3am looking for beans”
How could we possibly have missed those political overtones.
Dude you must be on some extremely powerful drugs if you think all memes are political propaganda.
Same reason why oil prices keep going up even as demand drops, the price of oil is largely determined by OPEC+ and they will cut production until prices rise to where they want them, and the more they have to cut production the higher the prices have to be to offset their fixed costs. More oil = more total revenue = lower price floor for profits.
It takes a while for various other industries to shift away from burning oil and gas, but when that happens the oil industry will be totally screwed.
I’m not so sure that they’d be necessarily screwed even then, I think it will depend upon what direction plastic demand and plastic production goes in. The majority of plastics still need to be made from petrochemicals, and the majority of plastics have to be virgin simply due to the inherent limitations on their recyclability.
Sure, the industry won’t be as large as today but unless we see bioplastics completely replace petrochemical plastics or simply see plastics completely abandoned (that’ll never happen, plastics are simply too useful to ditch entirely.) It will still exist in some form simply because it will be necessary for plastic production.
There’s Valve’s custom Distro they built for the steamdeck, unfortunately they haven’t fully released it yet, for the time being it’s only available via steamdeck recovery software.
I’m 99% sure it won’t have much of a positive impact in sales simply because the majority of ebook buyers don’t care about DRM anyway, only the minority of us bother to strip DRM. So while it wouldn’t be a large drop in sales I do think it would still be a drop. It might not be enough of a loss for them to care, and tbh as you said it would probably only result in a mild increase in piracy while the majority either do library loans or switch to paper.
I don’t think that those of us who care enough to jump through the hoops to strip DRM are just gonna roll-over and accept that the publishers can yoink our entire libraries whenever they see fit, but I do admit most don’t care. However those that don’t care aren’t stripping DRM anyway, they are just relying on the ability to redownload their books whenever they wish from Amazon/Kobo/Nook.
Winget is the command-line package manager Microsoft made for windows 10/11 recently.
Yeah if nodrm is ever killed by a DMCA action I’d be turning to my local library and Zlibrary (or whatever the closest alternative is today l don’t know if Zlibrary still exists or not) exclusively.
If the book publishers are smart they won’t kill drm stripping software as nobody who strips drm is gonna keep buying ebooks if they can’t do that, the people that don’t care already just buy their ebooks because it’s stupidly convenient compared to piracy, and often not that expensive anyway.
The steam deck uses a custom Linux distro made by valve specifically for it. So it’s at least good enough for gaming that valve trusted it for their mainstream handled gaming PC.
I’ve got one and tbh it’s pretty good. As long as you stick to games that are rated as either verified or playable on steamdeck you’ll probably have a good time.
You just go to the website that makes the software and download
That’s literally hunting for the software dude. You gotta open up a web browser, and if you don’t know the webpage already you gotta search for it, find the download page on that website, get passed the likely popups and other crap and then finally select the right version of the software to download.
Package managers are 10000% better. Even Microsoft knows this, it’s why they created winget.
Putting in winget search software name Copying the package name from the search result Putting in winget install pasted package name is significantly fewer steps. No Google search, no finding the download page, no popup crap, and no fake download button ads trying to get you to install malware. You just install the software in less time than it would take to even write your crappy comment.
Well I use the nodrm plugin and Calibre to strip the drm from all my Amazon ebook purchases and back them up both on my own machine and to the cloud storage provider I use. Only reason I buy Amazon’s ebooks is because they are normally the easiest to strip of drm, and very few ebook authors don’t use drm.
Physical books are certainly nice, but id rather save the space/weight for things I cherish instead of things I merely own so I can consume their content whenever I’d like. Books are for reading, not for showing off.
s you noted we already know the causes, but trends do not predict which individuals will commit crimes. There will be no point in time that an algorithm will be able to predict that an individual will commit a crime at a specific point in time.
I think we might’ve had a bit of miscommunication here. I wasn’t talking about predictive policing at an individual level, that’s highly unlikely to be possible, at least with traditional computing technologies (not to mention that individual predictive policing isn’t even desirable for a multitude of reasons explored by many dystopian fiction authors throughout history) but rather at an area level. Being able to predict where and when crimes are likely to occur and with regularity, predicting that a specific drug store will probably be robbed within a narrow window of time for example. Even if such an algorithm was only accurate within a couple of hours it would fundamentally change how law enforcement functions, as well as the purpose it serves. Instead of merely enforcing the law after a crime is committed they could prevent crime/catch the criminal mid act without the need for informants, and without even knowing who they are gonna be arresting prior to catching them.
Highly unlikely that’ll be the case forever. We can already do population level behavioral prediction for advertising purposes. It’s just a matter of time, quality data generation, and finding the right algorithm before we will be able to accurately predict where and when police resources should be deployed to efficiently deter crime. Especially since we already have a decent idea as to the factors that generally lead to spikes in crime-rates things like: poverty, widespread social isolation and low social cohesion, alcohol and drug use, perceived opportunity, and the presence of easily victimized populations such as racial minorities, religious minorities, the disabled, and the LGBT+ community.
Tbh, we don’t even need such an algorithm because we already know that the best ways to reduce crime are to increase protections for those minorities, alleviate poverty, reduce the presence of alcohol selling establishments, provide addiction/mental illness care, promote social cohesion, and have community events where law enforcement builds trust and bonds with their local communities, promoting co-operation and mutual respect between law enforcement and the people they are supposed to protect. In other words, the best ways to combat crime are the exact opposite of what everyone in the USA has generally been doing, especially conservative areas. Predictive policing is only even desirable because we don’t want to do the hard work of actually improving people’s lives and building communities where crime isn’t something people have/want to consider.
Google knows that the more irrelevant results it returns, the longer you spend looking, which translates into more opportunities to show ads.
Which is ironic, as Google only managed to get as far as they did by doing the exact opposite in an era where Alta Vista and the small handful of other OG search engines were focused on maximizing revenue via ads.
Google has become that which they sought to destroy.
What else are you gonna call selling someone’s digital identity?
The only person here being an idiot is you and those like you. Y’all think sticking your head in the sand will somehow make it all go away. Like it or not the shithead owns Twitter. Like it or not he’s one of the richest people on the planet. Like it or not that makes his petty ass extremely powerful. Like it or not there are retards who take digital identies seriously and won’t accept the line of “that isn’t me, Twitter must’ve sold my account” as an excuse when a username you use elsewhere suddenly starts spouting neonazi propaganda.
Also I hope y’all are happy with this type of behavior because this kind of toxic behavior will kill lemmy in the long run, just like it killed every other Reddit alternative… Y’all make Reddit seem downright positive.