You don’t understand how this things work, clearly
You don’t understand how this things work, clearly
Get lost Elon, you are a complete disappointment. To think I used to admire this piece of dung, what a letdown
Do get out. I’m an Italian living in the UK and while no country is perfect, any first-world country is better than the US right now to live in. I can’t fathom the idea of dying for a miscarriage, or being forced to have a pregnancy I don’t want, or having my kids go through regular mass-shooting drills and actual mass shootings, or having to ration insulin, or going bankrupt for a cancer, or being shot by a neighbour, or having trials based on theatrics rather than law, or having for-profit prisons and for-profit hospitals, or not trusting our cops, or religious zealots making religion-based laws for everyone, or not having social services, sock leave, maternity and paternity leave, and so on and so on. Honestly our very imperfect countries are a social paradise compared to the USA.
I want a video of this masterpiece while lavaing!
Thanks, that was quite the rabbit hole…
Religion poisons everything.
Or don’t carry guns wherever you go like a fanatical vigilante?! You Americans created a problem that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.
That’s not necessary, Americans unnecessarily carrying guns everywhere happens all the time
Because 1) orangutans are only one of the hundreds of thousands species affected by deforestation, and 2) catching, transporting and confining animals in zoos is hardly an improvement to their life: apes are social animals who live in large groups in large habitats, they suffer in zoos. 3) this is the commodification of sentient beings, ironically the very species they pretend to wanting to help. Greenwashing at its finest.
Because 1) orangutans are only one of the hundreds of thousands species affected by deforestation, and 2) catching, transporting and confining animals in zoos is hardly an improvement to their life: apes are social animals who live in large groups in large habitats, they suffer in zoos. 3) this is the commodification of sentient beings, ironically the very species they pretend to wanting to help. Greenwashing at its finest.
it took a country to back it
So you don’t understand how dictatorship works, ok.
Mussolini invented fascism, not Italy . Lots of Italians fell for it and supported it, the rest of the population - the vast majority - had to endure it and were straight up forced to live by its rules through persecution, imprisonment, violence, oppression, physical torture, displacement and homicide. Google the crimes of the Camicie Nere. Millions of Italians were killed because they wouldn’t accept the dictatorship. Look up the Partigiani fighters, they are the true heroes of the anti-fascist fight. Google the Fosse Ardeatine Massacre as one of many examples. Americans fancy themselves the saviours but they stepped in very very late when all the hard work had been done already by the Partigiani. Italy is historically a socialist country, so to say “Italy invented fascism” is just wrong.
They already get so much financial support from governments, and they pollute so much. Time for reforms.
Ah ok thank you!
I don’t understand, what’s the problem with the number 64 now?
Well f*ck you. Why should others pay for your selfishness.
Nor Quatar nor the USA are extremely poor countries though
The Christian west is already extremely hateful on its own. There’s no hate like Christian love
You can take action without revealing your sources. Journalists and police officers do it every day. Politicians and businesses do it all the time. Yet the all powerful Catholic Church did nothing.
Things have changed a lot today from the time he bought his degree