• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I’m hoping for MacroSD. About the size of a 3.5" floppy so you won’t lose it easily.

    Seriously, it’s interesting that now that we have the tech to make a useful-capacity storage device the size of a credit card, we don’t. Not like those crappy giveaway flash drives printed with a card design, where they had a captive USB head and were 4x as thick as a card, but something with just contacts like a chip card, so you might need to use an external reader but it really preserves the wallet-size concept.

    I’d love to have a cheap 16GB card in my wallet with all my health records and a cryptographically signed copy of my will as a one-stop, no cloud required, emergency kit.

  • Well, the example I gave above-- in the early Socket 754/939 days, ASRock sold a bunch of boards with an extra slot that would take a daughterboard that contained a Socket AM2 and DDR2 slots which would theoretically allow a significant upgrade on the “same” mainboard. Not sure anyone ever bought it, since it cost as much as a new mainboard.

    The most famous example of this style of weirdness was the ECS PF88, which could be equipped with a Socket 939, LGA775, or a Pentium M depending on daughtercard choices.

    But there was also some novel features-- motherboards with tube amplifiers on board (AOpen AX4B-533), a few generations of “instant boot mini-Linux environments”, and some more sophisticated debug tools (I recall some firms trying small LCD displays and voice prompts to replace 7-segment POST code displays-- considering a 128x32 all-points-addressable OLED costs like $1 in quantity of 1, why are those not standard when the motherboard costs $300+?!)

  • My company originally said you got two free days off per year, outside the accrued PTO: one for your birthday, and one for parity because office #2 got a state holiday that #1 didn’t.

    Now they moved to the “unlimited PTO” gimmick which has no right answer for how much time you can take off, so I follow the old PTO accrual schedule for my seniority as a guide.

  • Just to be clear, the chicken sandwich itself holds no ill will to the homosexual community. Sandwiches are generally incapable of hate.

    Sadly, the ghouls that own the company that makes the sandwiches are incapable of reaching the same level of human empathy that an inanimate foodstuff can.

    Aside from that, you ain’t missing much. It tasted weird and sweet 20 years ago when they started selling them here, before the controversy.

  • I tried pulling in the theming from there, and while it works miracles, I still want to do the three-headed dragon meme:

    • Real Motif apps
    • Qt5 apps (where there’s a Motif-like theme baked in)
    • GTK apps, which don’t honour the same fonts and the theme is far more divergent from the “real deal”

    There are a few other “Solaris 9” and “Perl Tk” lookalike themes that also come close, but they’re all sabotaged by GTK’s lack of bitmap font support (The old bitmap Helvetica is my go-to UI font)