I’m sorry, through some unfortunate events, I currently live in redneck land. There are some decent people here but they are a minority and usually people who are young/born there or too poor to escape (me).
The vast majority of people here choose to live in the middle of nowhere however and it shows. They’re paranoid, stupid, delusional, prejudiced, etc. Every time I’ve tried friendly conversations with them at various watering holes, they end up disliking me for bullshit prejudicial reasons. They literally tell me that I’m showing off by using big words or say I’m a weakling faggot or whatever else.
I commute into a small city for work for a pretty humdrum low paying office job and the people here are a million fucking times nicer and smarter and just as “working class” as the rural chuds.
Look, I don’t believe in free will. I don’t think wanting others to suffer for being “bad” is a rational mentality. (I agree with Robert Sapolsky) But I’m also not a rational being, I’m human and my emotions tell me “Fuck these assholes” and I’m tired of trying to be above it all. Especially, after this recent election. And at this point I can’t help but be indifferent to their suffering at best.
I’m just going to avoid them like the plague. I owe them nothing and I can’t waste my life trying to bring horses to water when I know they wont drink. Or swimming up a political waterfall by trying to organize them.