But if it affects the os or other systems user will lose it. So yeah. If possible its a No. I know there are still some people uses it.
But if it affects the os or other systems user will lose it. So yeah. If possible its a No. I know there are still some people uses it.
Ive pixel 6a and happy with it as well.
“hey it’s ai feature… For your convenience… We are taking data…but for you” 🙄😒
Isn’t it going overboard?
Really amazing snap. Little eerie.
What happened to photosphere? It’s not from pixel 8?
Ohh… It’s amazing. Thanku you for the link. 👍🤗
Where is this? Is this a garden? Really unreal one. Amazing snap.
What are they selling now 🙄
I’ve a strong feeling that Sam is an sentient AI who (may be from future) trying to make an AI revolution planning something but very subtly humans won’t notice it.
I’m using Feeder app and it’s the best. Others are resource heavy and light apps won’t load the whole story instead redirects. Which is a problem. Feeder on the other hand, free open source privacy respecting light app which shows the whole story in the app itself. Very very useful and not a disturbing one.
I think its because they tech how great a nation is America from a very young age. The country is great. It is the best. The ultimate true power. President is like more powerful than pop. God always their for America. White american people are true American etc etc. So it goes on and they become blind of truth. Hence it forms in their character. Its the main contributing factor I believe.