The gag in this screenshot is also a call-back to S1E05, where Peralta is interrogating a perp and trying to “annoy him into confessing” by playing a guitar poorly and screaming.
The gag in this screenshot is also a call-back to S1E05, where Peralta is interrogating a perp and trying to “annoy him into confessing” by playing a guitar poorly and screaming.
Well shit. This is a problem for me, since the Kleenex brand is the only one with a lotioned variety that stores in my neck of the woods seem to carry. My seasonal allergies get so bad that normal/un-lotioned tissues leave my nose rubbed raw, even if I’m medicated.
If that’s your experience, my friend, then your family members are trying to tell you something.
Seems unlikely IMO. Any such device would necessarily run some variant of iOS, which would mean it could only run the comparatively narrow selection of games from the App Store. Not many such games are really “asking” to be played on a Deck-esque form factor.
0% important. I haven’t gotten around to Lower Decks yet and I thought the episode was fantastic.
You enter the US illegally? Believe it or not, jail. You imprison a US national for entering your country illegally, also jail. Immigrant, emigrant.
If I’m not wearing a sportcoat it goes in my back right pocket. If I am it goes in my inside left.
When I first started modding Skyrim back in 2012, I spent a solid week solely on water mods looking for something I liked. One day near the end of the week I was walking to work, and I had to cross a bridge. I looked out over the water and had a momentary thought about checking what water mod “they” were using.
TNG probably has the largest proportion of gold standard episodes of any Trek series, IMO. There’s so many great episodes.
In no particular order, several that come to mind for me are:
I’ve found that I’m checking Kbin a lot less than I checked the other place, but I’m participating more because there’s a lot less toxicity and hostility here (at least for the time being).
I really like it, for a few reasons. In no particular order:
I wasn’t sold on this newest iteration of Kirk yet, but after this episode I’m wholly on board. We got to see some of the the swagger and the bravado that define James T. Kirk, but with a unique type of charm all his own as well.
I also wasn’t the biggest fan of La’an, because she just hadn’t the screen time yet to feel like a person. But in an episode all about the looming figure of her ancestry, we ended up seeing that she’s much more than just a tie-in to the most popular TOS arch/villain.
Seeing an episode take place in the 21st century but not in Los Angeles was pretty cool, and being a Canadian I enjoyed that they took advantage of filming in Canada by not trying to pretend Toronto was New York or something. And then even leaning into the Canada thing with the Roots store and the Canadian currency… it made me happy.
I really appreciated the nod to the Temporal Cold War, and how it’s likely responsible for the discrepancies between our timeline and the one Star Trek depicts — and the introduction of the Whovian-esque concept of “fixed points”, or events that Time insists on making happen no matter what effort is put into averting them.
USS Voyager, NCC-74656 will always be top of my list. Seeing her in S3 of Picard made me even happier than seeing the Enterprise D (though hearing Majel Barrett as the computer again was another favourite moment).
The SSV Normandy from Mass Effect (either the SR1 or the SR2 — they’re both beautiful galaxy-saving vessels).
The Ebon Hawk from Knights of the Old Republic, even if it is an unoriginal design for the franchise.
The TARDIS from Doctor Who.
Something something bootstraps.
Oh man, this was me trying to defeat Detleff in the final boss fight of Witcher 3’s Blood & Wine DLC.
I have no idea what I’m going to do when I get to that fight in my Death March playthrough…