If he dies, he dies
If he dies, he dies
Things looked bad when they hired that cop and doubled down on his defensive BS. Now it’s arduino and esp32s for me
If you have to tell yourself that, well…
Yes, because other people are boring
Disagree. I fully support this conspiracy theory and I am quite certain the GOP would do it if they had the chance. It’s better than running ads for a 3rd party candidate to splitthe vote. Just get on #chan and speculate or report sightings of him.
It doesn’t fucking matter who we elect if we don’t hold them accountable with general strikes.
Yeah, and since our government doesn’t work, it’d be better for open source, transparent efforts by the people. That also reminds the assholes in govt that the internet “content” is not owned by those who built machines or the government’s investment in DARPAnet, but by the people. Turn it all into a blockchain or something so there are copies or at least fragments on a ton of computers around the world and is indelible.
Holders of Student Loan Asset Backet Securities and a series of credit default swaps are gonna fight back hard. Hold the line. If bribing a senator is free speech shouldn’t Citizens United also protect borrowers witholding their “speech” to communicate their condemnation of a policy?
It makes you a target for abuse, and eventually it will come back to harm you. Usually not holding a grudge or taking pride in forgiveness has to do with what you want to believe about yourself. Most people want to get along with everyone, but going all in on it like you are means you are lying to yourself in some way about the damage it is doing, about how well you actually are succeeding in playing nicey nice with all these people who wronged you, about people’s ability to change. It sounds like you have been lucky so far and not seriously harmed by anyone, but there are people in this world with no conscience who are on the lookout for someone like you and one of them will eventually find you. Ultimately, most people either become more harsh and unfriendly or get good at eliminating really bad people in their lives very quickly so they can continue surrounding themselves with people they can forgive because they’d never do anything to you that risks your life or long-term wellbeing. I recommend the latter, AKA speak softly and carry a big stick.
Not implanted, just injected into a vessel with a needle or catheter. Any time you introduce something like this into the blood though, there are consequences. X-Ray contrast reactions can be lethal and MRI contrast (more similar to these since it’s metal-based) occasionally kills the arteries going to kidneys, which is bad. So, it’s easy to administer, but this is far too soon to claim it is safe at scale.
Don’t forget the recurrent loops of inbreeding. Reality is definitely less than 2^generation
I use rsync personally, but for low tech family and especially cross platform backup to network locations, Carbon Copy Cloaner is a nice interface and runs a series of rsyncs under the hood.
Foil Hat Club FTW!