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deleted by creator
How often do you get new drives? I’ve been through 2 drives that store all my data since the last 15 or so years. I’m wanting to get a nas together now though but I’ve no server experience.
For dnd, so you have a character creator that is as easy as dnd beyond? I’ve looked at some open source versions, but nothing come as close for ease of use. Thanks!
I mean, if you NEED a pressure washer, get that. If you don’t, get some fucking drums dude. I need a pressure washer and will be buying an electric drum kit instead.
I super appreciate the comment, as I’ve had the same issue and didn’t know how to deal with it without a full reboot. If there an equivalent command in Linux for what control Alt delete does in Windows?
Mobile app has been the best YouTube app replacement I’ve found. And I just got the pop up about the desktop app on my drive home from work. Will for sure check it out.
I wish it more closely mirrored YouTube’s native video suggestions, but it’s pretty damn close.
There’s no way they have a 10th Gen processor with ddr3. Must be a mistake or typo somewhere.
Same, as a young man I had a visit in downtown Chicago. I had a doughnut in my pocket… Which a begger refused. Really crossed my circuits that day.
And your other machine?
‘please be arch. Please be arch’
World of goo… 100%. My wife and I have also played through this together and she enjoyed it. I also started a Baldurs Gate 3 playthrough with her making most of the decisions and me actually playing the game. That went pretty well, but it’s a long ass game
Yes, why would you expect anyone to stuff something up there if you’re not going to at least keep it clean!?
Typically yes water is chlorinated. By the time it hits your cup, most of it’s gone and is save to drink. If you let the water sit out longer, all the chlorine should dissipate.
I ran ltsc for a few months… Then I found it didn’t have simple stuff like the camera app? I forget why, but there was one all I really needed that I didn’t have, so after fighting trying to install it, I just want back to Windows pro. I might give windows enterprise a try though.
Jellyfin is a bitch to get working outside my network. I don’t get how Plex made it so easy
Plus one for Dell. I get some 4 year old decommissioned dells from my company and a 5300 is now my daily driver
But not everyone needs to have a work phone, some just need to authenticate
I work for a global company and help manage MFA for everyone…I use Google’s authenticator on my personal phone as they didn’t give me a work phone.
I still don’t understand why a hardware token isn’t being used. It’s such a low cost option when compared to buying a phone and plan for a user.
I work in IT and my 4 year old retired Dell 5300 is working just fine. Great form factor as well.
Bro. Just on the note of power shell, chat gpt is a great resource. I recently started using it at work and it’s really great. I don’t think I’ll try studying powershell too much since I can just use AI to do it for me.
Obviously it helps to have a little knowledge going in however.
Some truths cut too deep