I don’t have high hopes for TES6 anyway. It’ll probably look shit and plqay worse
I don’t have high hopes for TES6 anyway. It’ll probably look shit and plqay worse
I’d shoot myself and then Tate
Just kidding, I’m not suicidal
It is AC:Shadows.
I can already see one AAA failure coming.
You can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs
It’s a road bump on our way to Paris
If they can change numbers so can you even if you shouldn’t have to. It would be annoying but better a terrible end then terror without end.
I don’t really see a difference between then and now
Lying is tradition in Russia and politics
The Leo 1A5 is really good tank too. It has a modified fire control system, it’s based on the one from the Leo 2 but a bit downgraded. Also, if I read that correctly it could be upgunned to the 120mm.
Sadly most of them have been decommissioned and destroyed as per contract, at least in Germany.
Their 105mm cannon does more than that
Do you think they got to see something? I’m sure they just got herded on trains and funneled through Russia.
Of course they knew, they have one of if not the best secret agency in the world.
Nazis an die Wand!
Another reason to stay as far away as possible from there
Why do people seem to have such a hard time with being direct? Just tell him to leave you alone, if you hurt his feelings it’s not your problem.
The only thing I think when I see black people is how awesome the hair of most them looks.
Racism is very high ranked in the list of dumb things.
If you like that check out Space Ice
The irony… It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking disgusting